268 beers | 3.765 Avg ScoreThe Weizenbock combines the character of a basic bock or doppelbock beer with that of a Dunkel Weizen. It is a dark amber to dark brown colored ale, which is hazy to cloudy in appearance and is normally accompanied by a thick and long-lasting head. The aroma and flavor feature dark fruits (plums, prunes, raisins, and/or grapes), strong phenols (clove and sometimes vanilla), and rich alcohol (although the alcohol shouldn't be sharp or hot) alongside the grainy wheat and ester (banana) character of the dunkelweizen base. As with the other German wheat beers, weizenbocks do not use hops to impart significant character to the beer's aroma of flavor. The alcohol level is significantly higher in this style, jumping from the ~5% level of a hefe or dunkelweizen to ~7-9%.