Porterhouse Alt

Porterhouse Alt

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Brewed by Porterhouse

Dublin, Ireland

Style:  Altbier

4.6% Alcohol by Volume

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Alt - Winter Guest Beer 2008 Alcohol by volume: 4.6% Grain: Munich malt, Vienna malt, crystal malt and roast malt Hops: German Noble Hops Who said the Germans only make Lager and no Ales? Well eat my Lederhosen!! In the days before refrigeration they were busy brewing ales for centuries, and western Germany, the Rhineland, has continued to stick with the style in the face of the massive popularity of Lagers. “Alt” meaning “old” in German refers to the older top fermenting method employed, and so has one of the longest & noblest traditions in brewing. Essentially Alt is a cool fermented, lagered ale. Brewed with German Noble hops and complex malt bill, including Munich malt, Vienna Malt, Crystal Malt and Roast Malt, and lagered for over eight weeks at zero degrees Celsius, The Porterhouse Brewery has created a beer with the complexity of an English Ale and the refinement of a German Lager. An ALTernative to traditional German Beers, it may be considered their ‘ALTer’ – ego.

ID: 35203 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 15 years ago

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