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Covid-19 and Sports

Non-Beer Discussion by LENUSIK

What are everybody's thoughts on the Covid-19 pandemic and the effect that it is having on sports? I've heard a lot of people think everything should just shut down, while others are more interested incheering on their favourite teams again. As an old hockey dude, it would hurt me a great deal to not see a Stanley Cup winner for a season that started, but I'm lukewarm to the idea of watching hockey in August. Any thoughts on the shortened seasons in Nacsar or Formula 1? The Tour de France and Kentucky Derby moving to non-traditional dates?

4 years ago
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# 1

Yeah, it's all touch and go right now...a balancing act. Sports YES, Covid spikes NO. Our Gov (NY) has done a fine job of getting the numbers down. We started as the worst, we are now the best USA state, but all too many other states got careless and spiked! :( Weird sports scheduling may not be a total clusterf_ck, especially if CoronaVirus spread is kept minimal by such scheduling? :)

4 years ago
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Yes, being Canadian, I do miss watching the hockey playoffs at this time, when it is getting nice outside. NASCAR has been doing great, and thank God I have that to watch. It sucks enough that some years we did not get a Stanley Cup because of stupid strikes, now a virus ?! I can't see why they could not wear a full face shield, like we did playing hockey in the 80s, to block the wet mouth moisture.

4 years ago
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Seems valid. My dental hygenist wore such a shield, and had to change outer coverings and masks before escorting me back to the reception area. Inconvenient, for sure. But hockey players are accustomed to extensive suiting up before hitting the ice...I think they'd deal with it ok. ;)

4 years ago
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This is the new normal, deal with it!

4 years ago
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TEMPORARY new normal, hopefully. I don't really want to spend the rest of my life wearing masks and staying six feet away from others! :D

4 years ago
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The NHL and NBA seem to have it right by conducting everything in bubbles. Clearly MLB got it wrong. I have to admit though that watching the Indianapolis 500 without fans in the seats was a truly horrifying experience that shows that sports is not a 'made for TV' event. While the majority of us see most of their sporting events this way, it turns out that the non-participatory crowd is actually a relevant feature for us'

4 years ago
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Test comment

4 years ago
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