Suggested Improvement to site
Website Comments by RICHSBEER
In the old BeerPal on the brewery summary page, the DB used to check mark all the beers from that brewery that you had tried, now in the new DB that does not happen. I found that feature to be very helpful when I was at a store, bar etc. now I have to click on each beer to see if I have tried it before. Between my advanced age and number of beers consumed I have a hard time remembering all the beers I've tried before. Is it possible to bring this feature back?
5 years ago
I thought Chopz mentioned this missing feature before, but I could be wrong. The reason it's not on the new site is that it made the brewery page take so much longer to load. I couldn't figure out a good database query. It's been on my list of things to do. Maybe I'll just throw it in there and let it load slowly for now. Or maybe I'll get lucky and come up with a faster query.
This is weird, but when I did my review for "All Or Nothing Hustle Over Hype " it crashed when posting. Now, I see the review when I click on the beer, but when I check the brewer, it says zero for review for that one. Then, when I click on the logo to go the homepage, it shows I wrote a comment for the beer, but not a review. I am hustling over this :P
Yeah, if it crashed when you made your review, it wasn't able to do all of the functions like update brewery reviews, possibly calculate statistics, calculate your personal statistics, and put the news in the bar stool. As long as the actual review is in there, the other stats can get recalculated, so no big deal. the site has been loading real slow for me. Not sure why, but that's what caused the problem. Maybe I'll try rebooting the server.
Was a reason found why most times, when uploading a pic it works, and then others, it says it has uploaded, but the pic cannot be seen? This is not fun, as when we scroll through the most beer rated, no pics are shown. This does not enhance newcomers to look at reviews. A pic says a million thing :P P.S. Just tried to upload pic for Monsregius Crepuscula from
Me Uncle Geoffery had a stroke, tell ya lads Ain't no Joke, Auntie Iris is away hoping to bring old boy back today. English soldier and grand lad, 72 but only 16, boy soldier and other things. His wife is of the Old Empire, survived the Blitz, puts up with Geoffs shit, Grand Lady if ever there was, and proud I am she be me Auntie. Robert Graves said it best years before.... please read and reflect, a bottle of McGewens and I am a total wreck