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How about a printable report of my beer review history?

Website Comments by RICHSBEER

I think it would be great to have option to print or electronically save a file with my beer review history. It could be sorted by brewery, then beer name with style, review score, and option to have pic (if available) and or actual review. A spreadsheet format would be ideal.

5 years ago
# 1
# 1

I support this. Is there a way to get an exportable list for Excel as well? The old way of doing ot on the old site no longer works for me.

5 years ago
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# 2


I'll make a way to have an exportable list. Did you guys know there is a link to see your reviews in a table view? The link is "Click here to see a sortable list of this Member's Reviews" at the top of the Beer Reviews tab in your profile. I just tweaked the code so that you can see all of your reviews in one page... The normal link is: where uid = your user id number To see all of your reviews: where uid = your user id number and the "&mrr=100000" means it will show 100000 reviews per page. You can sort the list by clicking on the headings. It should be pretty easy to highlight the rows and paste them into Excel. T

5 years ago
# 3
# 3

thanks that's pretty close to everything I wanted, doesn't have brewery name but I can live without that. Note I didn't actually try and copy paste but assume that shouldn't be an issue.

5 years ago
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# 4


Does the photo eventually upload correctly? I know I've had issues where pics taken with my phone have not worked at all. Same with photos on my computer, and the only way I get those to work is to open and save them to a new file. I haven't been able to find the root of the problem.

4 years ago
# 5
# 5

No I usually just retake photo and save to pc and upload via PC. Good luck with it.

4 years ago
# 6
# 6


I am having problems as well.....a Windows 10 PC, it tells me that it's complete, but there is an 'ERROR: Internal Server Error' message that comes. I've tried with Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Firefox and I have a TON of pictures to upload

4 years ago
# 7
# 7



I am still not getting why all my pics uploads 100%, but only some of them show, other do not show. Says one pic is uploaded, but you cannot see it. That means when I check a brewery, you can see all the beer, but some have a pic and others show blank, and for an OCD person like me... it really sucks :P

4 years ago
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