Gose vs Gueuze
Website Comments by CYRENAICA
I've noticed that over the last few years that a lot of people have been adding Gose beers as Gueuze'. They are two different styles. For now (until we get that long awaited Gose/Gratzer category) all Gose beers should be added as 'Ale' A gose is a historically German, refreshing wheat beer that is only slightly tart. Goses are also traditionally brewed with coriander and salt. The original style was probably crafted over a thousand years ago. In recent years, modern American craft breweries have dabbled in this historical style with great success. There are supposed to be NO hops in Goses (but many American craft breweries seem to ignore this fact) A gueuze is a type of Belgian spontaneously fermented Lambic beer which is a blend of several different years of barrel-aged beer. This means that, at minimum, these beers take three years to make. Another key difference couched in that last sentence is that gueuzes spend their entire life in oak barrels, whereas goses aren’t traditionally made with the use of barrels. When blended and ready, gueuzes are an extremely complex, tart flavor-bomb of beer goodness. Gueuzes are also know to contain hops. So, please enter Goses as Ales and Gueuzes (technically can only be made in Belgium in the sort of only Champagne can be made in the Champagne region of France type of thing) are Gueuzes. Some day (I hope) we'll have a Gose/Gratzer category to catch these things as they are becoming more numerous
6 years ago
Cybercat, there is 0% resemblance between a gose and lambic of any type. Lambic are spontaneously fermenting, goses are not, plus the term 'lambic' has the same protections around the world as 'champagne' does. There was a movement on both Ratebeer and Beerpal about a decade ago to rid their systems of non-Belgian lambics, something that Ratebeer did very well but there are still some listed on Beerpal. Currently, none of the styles on beerpal are close to what a gose or a gratzer are, They should be given their own style, and given their proliferation in North America over the last decade, they deserve their own style. I agree with the original poster though, a gose is an ale for now until this site fixes that.
He's alive! Glad to see you're back. It would be great to have you approving beers again, and I think you'll find the process is a little easier than before and certainly much faster. cyrenaica has been working hard with approvals and adding missing to every brewery as he goes through them. Right now we only had 33 places to approve, but 2803 beers. I think you still have access to approve. Let me know if it works! Welcome back.