Members...... What is your Forgie Number?
General Beer Discussion by MITCHFORGIE
I think its really really really really cool when I come across someone on this site, with a pretty legitimate number of reviews, and I glance at their profile, and I look at their top rated and their bottom rated, and we have NO BEERS IN COMMON! I want to meet those people
12 years ago
Name............Forgie Number mattfungus.......4.(2:2) mitchforgie......5.(1:4) pfoxyjohn........6.(3:3) Phishpond417.....9.(2:7) cyrenaica.......10.(5:5) Suds_McDuff.....11.(3:8) jlozier.........16.(4:12) bluesandbarbq...16.(4:12) slowrunner77....17.(3:14) kinger..........24.(10:14)
That makes it much easier! I've had 5 of his top 25 and 1 of his bottom. That's a 12% Forgie!
quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
Go to mitchforgie's profile and count the number of blue checkmarks you see next to the beers in his Top 25 and Bottom 25. Don't worry about whether your blue checkmarks are also in YOUR Top or Bottom 25. Just count the number of checkmarks and that's YOUR Forgie Number. It's just a quick measure of correlation, or the lack thereof!
I leave for 3 days and this happens! Four-gie. I laughed the whole way through this and am jumping on the band wagon
quote: Originally posted by Phishpond417
My Forgie with Forgie is six and four-gie. 6 high, 4 loooooooow.
And I would have thought a higher number from you!
quote: Originally posted by beerdog
My Forgie with Forgie is 10 (2:8).
Another thing I didn't think about is that I would have a different Forgie Number with someone else that they would have with me.... Foam has a Forgie Number of 5 with me but I have 10 with with him! (7:3) My Numbers for the following: Beerdog, 11:3; Blues 6:3; jloizer 6:5; Kinger 2:1; MattFungus 2:1; Cyrenaica 12:2; Slowrunner 3:2; Suds 4:0; Phish 6:0; phoxyjohn3:0; fargingbastige 4:1