Website Comments by LENUSIK
Am I supposed to believe that these are two different people souting the same mindless drivel from the same obscure (from a beer perspective) location..........
12 years ago
I would hope that the individual in question would have a higher opinion of our collective intelligence than to suggest he/she could have us believe that the two aliases are mutually exclusive.
He's been banned off of Canadian beer forum sites in both Ontario and Quebec under many different aliases over the last month. EVERY post (and I mean EVERY) makes mention of Kotsberg beer as if it's a classic pilsener made in Germany (It's made in India). He's a spammer plain and simple.
I deleted the first account a couple days ago. Maybe it is still showing up in the forum? The guy actually asked to have it deleted! He said he tried posting in the forum and received many demeaning replies. I saw that post, which was basically an ad, and noticed that he edited it out. So I happily deleted his account. We'll just have to wait and see what happens with the 2nd account. So far nothing wrong.