Norwegian Brewery... Ngone (sp)???
General Beer Discussion by RAGNAROK
Ok, so the other half (my amazing wife) bought this imp stout from this brewery from Norway. There was a big, purple 'O' on the bottle. I have to say, the brew was fantastic - amazing even. My... difficulty is that I do not know how to type an O with a line through it. THe brewery is Ngone, or Nogone - something like that. I really want to rewiew this brew. Do I need to add this brewery/brew? I really need to find out how to type an O with a line through it. Really good imp stout, really good. Help, please??? If I end up adding another brewery and beer, I really do not mind. BUt if the work has already been done, I do not want to make any extra, unnecessary work for the admins...
12 years ago
None of the ways that there WIKIPEDIA says to do it worked on my computer. Obviuosly someone here adds Nogne O beers on this site... It's pronounced almost like a cough...kinda like Nugna Uh (with appropraite pelvic thrust on the "uh". [:D]
quote: Originally posted by jlozier
Yes, but no one has answered his question...which is something I have wondered too...How does one make the letter that looks like an O with a slash through it? ...and just as importantly, how is it pronounced?
Thisbrewery and this beer in particular rule! I have an international keyboard on my computer and run windows. All the funny letters can be downloaded by getting the appropriate interfaces from Microsoft (free). There is some vids on nonge (typing on my iPhone) website in which they say the name. Try that!
copy and paste from ratebeer... write nogne .. u get Nøgne ...
quote: Originally posted by jlozier
Yes, but no one has answered his question...which is something I have wondered too...How does one make the letter that looks like an O with a slash through it?
OK, thanks for your help. I am going to grab another bottle or three and do a proper review. I was able to locate the brewery and the brew on here after the link posted (thanks Stoutlover!) Back story - I had just returned from Afghanistan, and this was the second brew that I drank the night I got to the hotel with my wife. She is amazing, finding stuff like this for me! The first brew that I had after coming home - Avery Collaboration. Yes, my homecoming was simply amazing..... and she even scored a bottle of Bitches Brew!!! Yes, life is good back in the U S of A!!!!
Welcome back brother!!!! And again, thanks for your committment and service!
quote: Originally posted by Ragnarok
OK, thanks for your help. I am going to grab another bottle or three and do a proper review. I was able to locate the brewery and the brew on here after the link posted (thanks Stoutlover!) Back story - I had just returned from Afghanistan, and this was the second brew that I drank the night I got to the hotel with my wife. She is amazing, finding stuff like this for me! The first brew that I had after coming home - Avery Collaboration. Yes, my homecoming was simply amazing..... and she even scored a bottle of Bitches Brew!!! Yes, life is good back in the U S of A!!!!
Exactly! I didn't even think of Googling the proper code. That is the "smart" way, I suppose. But using symbols in Word is quick, easy, and it works. Of course, our search function is a constraint, in that it is not as sophisticated as Google. When one searches for Nogne 0, one gets zero matches, instead of "Did you mean Nøgne Ø?"
quote: Originally posted by cyrenaica
Just open a word document and using the symbols function, you can easily spell Nøgne correctly, then you just cut and paste.
Both fantastic brews...the porter is one of the best in-style I've had. The God Jul is very nice too, but I haven't seen it this year or I'da sent ya one. One of my personal favorite foreign brewers, even if I can't type it right [;)]
quote: Originally posted by Oiznop
If you think that is good, you should try the Nøgne Ø Porter....Freakin unbelievable!!!....[^].....I still haven't tried their God Jul yet....and I keep looking for this one every Christmas.....Oh well, better luck next holiday season I guess.....