Alabama: another reason.....
Industry News by SUDSMCDUFF
. . . . . . Cop could have charged lady with a FELONY for driving with 15 cases of beer?!?!?!? a FELONY!?!?!? what a stupid fuckin state... sorry Farg, but what a joke..
13 years ago
That law is prevalent in a lot of Southern states. Bootlegging is why. Good call Stout. Around here there was talk about a folks traveling to Kentucky to buy beer just over our border (lower taxes) then returning with beaucoup brews, and The Law possibly waiting for them. Nothing came of it; Johnny Law has better things to do than bust beer-loving bootleggers... like... busting and breaking up meth labs.
Careful big fella, farg may whoop yer ass! [;)][B)] If you haven't learned already from being in TexAss, Southerners tend to defend their territory even if it's blind dedication. I know; I'm guilty of it. Just the way it is. An Alabamian can say "stupid f'n state" but an outsider better not. Same in Tennessee. Ask Clash. He just loves Orange.
quote: Originally posted by Suds McDuff
what a stupid fuckin state... sorry Farg, but what a joke..
Who the hell would need to transport 15 cases of be- oh, wait.. maybe she was on Beer Trip.[:p]
sorry if my tone was a tad rough, not trying to rail on the fine folks in Alabama, i know there are dumb laws everywhere!! .. but this is insane... i just seems very wrong that someone with 15 cases of beer could have had there life absolutely ruined.. especially as the cop had the ball in his court, a misdemeanor or a felony... his choice... if he had been in a bad mood, that swill drinker could have been sunk.. /end rant --- at least go down with some good beer in the trunk.. "why no officer, i don't have fifteen cases of Yazoo Sue!!!!"
That will be me in about two weeks on my jaunt to Nashville. [:p][^]
quote: Originally posted by Suds McDuff
at least go down with some good beer in the trunk... "why no officer, i don't have fifteen cases of Yazoo Sue!!!!"
Believe me Suds, the beer laws in Alabama, Tennessee & Mississippi are pretty archaic. Georgia, I believe, just changed some of their laws - at least you can buy over 6.2% ABV beers in regular stores unlike Tennessee, where you have to go to the liquor stores. It's getting better but we're no North Carolina yet. Thank God Asheville is just over an hour away from me. Tennessee has changed some laws recently that allows brewers to make higher gravity beers without having to obtain a distiller's license. Still can get arrested for too much alcohol in the trunk though. [B)][:(][:o)]
Well... I typed a big, long email complete with URLs, etc... and I guess the damn thing timed out on me and thus, no post. Suds, no-harm, no-foul. I (think) I know what you meant. Alabama does have some stupid laws, but I actually like being from and living here. The laws are changing via our grass-roots organization "Free the Hops" and their legislative efforts. Check the website: [url][/url] Of note - 3 recent tap rooms opened: 2 in Birmingham, Good People Brewing (brewers of the soon-to-be-infamous Snakehandler DIPA - coming soon in cans) and Avondale Brewing; and 1 in Huntsville - Straight to Ale. Back Forty in Gadsden is constructing their taproom alongside their brewery and will be opening soon, as will another new brewer in Birmingham - Cahaba Brewing (with taproom). Its an exciting time to be a craft beer fan in Alabama. We're no Wisconsin or North Carolina, but we've come a long way recently.
Oh HELL yeah!
quote: Originally posted by fargingbastige6
...the soon-to-be-infamous Snakehandler DIPA - coming soon in cans...