2012 Beer Goals
General Beer Discussion by FLASHPRO
A new year is sneaking up fast! I only have one real goal for 2012, and that's to get the new BeerPal website released. It's about 2/3 complete now, which leaves hundreds of hours left to go [B)]
13 years ago
Well that means we're in the home stretch right? When it happens, it will be great. I'm sure of it. Thanks for the thousands of hours that go into a project like that.
quote: Originally posted by Flashpro
A new year is sneaking up fast! I only have one real goal for 2012, and that's to get the new BeerPal website released. It's about 2/3 complete now, which leaves hundreds of hours left to go [B)]
Lookin forwar to the new site! Thanks for all the hard work!! For me, nothing too specific...maybe take a couple trips that include new breweries (possibly the midwest &/or NY...or KY), get up & over 3000, find a few white whales, & keep on tradin.
Another huge thanks to Flasher!!! appreciate all the hard work you are putting into BP!!! --- beer goals: try hit 4000 ratings [8D] homebrew alot more [:p] and besides beer specific goals, lose more weight [B)]
goals one & two when combined would seem to make goal three harder. no? NOT THAT THER"S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
quote: Originally posted by Suds McDuff
Another huge thanks to Flasher!!! appreciate all the hard work you are putting into BP!!! --- beer goals: try hit 4000 ratings [8D] homebrew alot more [:p] and besides beer specific goals, lose more weight [B)]
Hit two or three brewery tours, maybe try and add two hundred beers, get 5 new states, and 5 new countries, yeah that sounds doable.
Sit down at least once this year and catch up with all my BeerPals.