Categories T-shirts
Website Comments by ADMIN
I'd like to design some t-shirts, but only if I know I'll be able to sell some! I'll have to put out a few hundred dollars to make them, and this site is already putting a hole in my pocket. I'd get the good quality, heavyweight shirts (about another $1.75) and probably charge around $12-15 a piece. I think shipping is around $3 for USPS priority mail in the US. What I would like to do is use most of the profits to finance give-aways and contests on the site. I'll even consider selling the shirts at discounted prices (near cost) to people who reach a certain level, like 100 reviews maybe. They'd probably have a simple logo on the front left breast, and a bigger thing on the back. However, if they do start to turn a profit, I think it would be awesome to create a more entertaining line of beerpal shirts, or shirts that have to be earned.
20 years ago
Count me in for a shirt! How about ", it's what's for breakfast!"