Independence Day
Non-Beer Discussion by FARGINGBASTIGE6
Ya'll have a safe & happy 4th of July! Be thankful we're as free as we are.
13 years ago
Consumed at my neighbor's annual July 4th Bluegrass Picnic and Celebration: Yard's Ales of the Revolution: George Washington Porter...and Thomas Jefferson Tavern Ale....Could not find the Ben Franklin Spruce...:-(...Anything less would be unacceptable!....[^]....
Good food - good beer... except my Mom's husband who refuses to drink anything but Bud Light. I got my old man to try a Torpedo; I'm sure it went well with his meds, but he wasn't complaining. I stuck with my old stand-by - Sam Adams.
Broke out the Stoudts American Pale Ale on my clan - nice patriotic label too. They all liked it. Also had Sierra Nevada Kellerweis, Yazoo Hefeweizen, RJ Rockers Son of a Peach, and Yazoo Hop Project #52. It was a good weekend.[8D]
Also went Old School with Hudepohl Amber. Everyone liked them. The Hudys were a Hit! [img][/img]
Cheers to Stoudts! Had a keg of Stoudts Pils w/ some 60 people here. Fantastic for this time of year. Something so great about a crisp lager in the Summer!
quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
Broke out the Stoudts American Pale Ale on my clan - nice patriotic label too. They all liked it. Also had Sierra Nevada Kellerweis, Yazoo Hefeweizen, RJ Rockers Son of a Peach, and Yazoo Hop Project #52. It was a good weekend.[8D]
Meant to pick up some brews before we headed back to my home town for the weekend, unfortunately time wasn't on my side. While back there though I was surprised to see some River Town offerings out of Cincinnati. Their Wit helped me through the hot days and worked out well. Harpoon Summer Beer was also handy. Good news is that I only had a couple Budweiser's which is a handful less than a normal stay.
Yah, I had bottled water available to guests too... [:D]
quote: Originally posted by kinger
Good news is that I only had a couple Budweiser's....
Yeah, I am having an influence on my family. An uncle that used to think he was really going crazy with Beck's Dark, had NB Ranger IPA in the fridge! He also had Shiner. I can certainly be happy with those. For myself, I got a Boulevard sampler since the Wal Mart I went to was out of Singlewide and I didn't want just the porter. I am glad that I can get Boulevard or NB at Wally World. [:p]
quote: Originally posted by kinger
Meant to pick up some brews before we headed back to my home town for the weekend, unfortunately time wasn't on my side. While back there though I was surprised to see some River Town offerings out of Cincinnati. Their Wit helped me through the hot days and worked out well. Harpoon Summer Beer was also handy. Good news is that I only had a couple Budweiser's which is a handful less than a normal stay.