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Brewing Evidence Surrendered

Industry News by COTTRELL

In an effort to uphold their noses above the beer threshold, the French have buried evidence of brewing under 2500 years of earth. When artifacts began to be excavated, the French surrendered rather needlessly, and admitted to brewing for several millenia. In other news, French stereotypes are fun.

13 years ago
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# 1

All that brewing history and their mostly widely known beer is either Kronenbourg 1664 or Fischer. Shameful....

13 years ago
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You'd think they could've gotten one right by now.

13 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by Stoutlover72
All that brewing history and their mostly widely known beer is either Kronenbourg 1664 or Fischer. Shameful....
Meh, Germany's most widely known is... Beck's? England's best known is... Bass? USA's best known is Bud Light? France makes good beer, but like most (all?) beer-brewing countries with a long history, you have to look deeper than the most widely known. Oops, I've come too late to defend France, they've already surrendered to Garrett's comment and have changed their name to Garrett's Republic of France.

13 years ago
# 4
# 4

Dirty, stinkin' fargingbastiges...

quote: Originally posted by Cottrell
quote: quote: Originally posted by Stoutlover72
All that brewing history and their mostly widely known beer is either Kronenbourg 1664 or Fischer. Shameful....
Meh, Germany's most widely known is... Beck's? England's best known is... Bass? USA's best known is Bud Light? France makes good beer, but like most (all?) beer-brewing countries with a long history, you have to look deeper than the most widely known. Oops, I've come too late to defend France, they've already surrendered to Garrett's comment and have changed their name to Garrett's Republic of France.

13 years ago
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# 5

I used to lambast the French more than most... until I remembered that the French where one of the main reason we won the Revolutionary War and helped gain Liberty from Great Britain. So... Vive La France! Plus I recently had 1664 on tap and realized it is an alright brew. And my name I go by is French. And I took 4 years of French in school. Merde... tmi.

13 years ago
# 6
# 6

quote: Originally posted by Cottrell
quote: quote: Originally posted by Stoutlover72
All that brewing history and their mostly widely known beer is either Kronenbourg 1664 or Fischer. Shameful....
France makes good beer...
Having a few (10 or less) good-great breweries is a piss-poor showing in a country the size of France, especially with their fondness for fine cuisine. With Belgium so close by and in proximity to other brewing greatness, it's startling how crappy the beer scene is in France. That's all. Brasserie Theillier (sp?), Choulette, and Castlain are the best of France that pops in my tiny brain when I think of good/great French beer.

13 years ago
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In all fairness to France... I've had a total of 4 beers from the country. There are 137 French breweries on BeerPal. I'm betting that most people here have not tried more than 10% of those. Does French beer suck? Maybe. Can we really know for sure? I don't think so. Don't be surprised if the French bandwagon makes its way over here in the next 10 years.

13 years ago
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i'll be surprised. [;)]

quote: Originally posted by Flashpro
In all fairness to France... I've had a total of 4 beers from the country. There are 137 French breweries on BeerPal. I'm betting that most people here have not tried more than 10% of those. Does French beer suck? Maybe. Can we really know for sure? I don't think so. Don't be surprised if the French bandwagon makes its way over here in the next 10 years.

13 years ago
# 9
# 9

quote: Originally posted by Flashpro
There are 137 French breweries on BeerPal.
That is quite a suprise to be honest.

13 years ago
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