To disturb or not to disturb is the question...
General Beer Discussion by RAGNAROK
I know that this thread will mark alot of debate (or that I am full of myself) When partaking of a brew that has been bottle conditioned, do you swirl the yeast on the bottom to enjoy in your poured brew or do you decide that the bre w should be poured from the bottle unhindered by the yeast in the bottle??? Personally, I enjoy swirling the lase of the yeast into the glass I pour the brew I am enjoying. Thoughts??? Opinions??? Please, discuss. Thanks, Rag
14 years ago
Some brewers go to great lengths to filter all of the particulates out of their finished beer. You know about isinglass, right? Whoever thought cloudy beer was so bad that straining it through fish guts would make it better? [url][/url] Meanwhile, other brewers offer a shot of yeast on the side with your draft hefeweizen. Because sometimes a little is not nearly enough. Having a shot of yeast on the side helped me to smell and taste the tangy contribution the yeast made to the beer. It also helped me appreciate the health benefits of yeast, a rich source of B vitamins. Pass the Vegemite, please! [url][/url] Beers that are conditioned in the cask or on the bottle will have some yeast that settles out in the container. If the publican goes to great lengths to avoid rousing the cask, and if the bottle's label contains instructions to pour all but the last half inch, then why are we even having this conversation? Why would the individual drink the bottom half inch of the bottle? Personal preference. I always pour my beer from bottles or cans into a glass. I try to adjust the pour rate so that I generate about the same amount of head, even though some beers are much more highly carbonated than others. I save the last half inch of the bottle. I look at the beer in the glass, smell and even listen to it. I take a sip. Then I swirl the bottle and pour that last half inch out either: through the foam; over the foam; or into a shot glass. If it's not a bottle conditioned beer, then the last, well-swirled half inch goes over the foam. Any sediment in what should be a clear beer could be a mistake which can be scraped off the foam. If it is a bottle-conditioned beer, then I decide, usually on the spur of the moment, whether to mix in the yeast by pouring it through the foam, or drink it separately. I do enjoy watching the clear beer change as the yeast is reintroduced. In the case of a really old beer, or a beer with tons of sediment, I almost always reserve the yeast. I know that even a small amount of yeast in a fresh beer can have a big impact on the clarity, aroma, and flavor of the beer. So I am more cautious with a large amount. I missed out on the sludge-like dregs of the '05 Dark Lord. But this habit of mine would have preserved the option of adding the yeast until I could do so deliberately, and that's the point. The sediment has such an impact on the beer that I want to know what I am doing.
Love it! She's not my type, or I would be first in line (and not blabbing about it in a public forum, either). By Jove, the girl knows how to, um, live. She has rhythm. She has lungs. She knows how to put all that together. And I can really respect that. I don't want to be the old-timer banging on the wall because I can't sleep over the racket, so I try to leave her to it most of the time. Either way, when I see her in the driveway the next day everything is cool. You gotta go along to get along, right? Things might get noisy on my side of the wall now and then. Besides, it's much better than living too close to the train tracks. How does my neighbor's love life relate to beer? Quite simple. Fermentation and its byproducts are the stuff of life. To rouse or not to rouse? Anything I do to interfere would be a temporary interruption at best. Life always finds a way. The most brilliant physicist I've ever heard speak said, "All life is fermentation." Sex, like fire, electricity, alcohol, and knowledge can be harmful if misused, and absolutely heavenly when used properly. Everything I needed to know about life I learned from drinking beer.
quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq This looks like my answer...
quote: quote: Originally posted by Stoutlover72 If she's hot, no reason to be rude and interrupt.[:p]
quote: quote: quote: quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
I live in a condo. Sometimes my neighbor gets a little loud at night, if you catch my drift. Sometimes, I tap on the wall until she quiets down, and sometimes I just listen in. To disturb or not to disturb? There doesn't have to be one right answer.
And to answer the original question; I'm a swirler. I can't imagine not swirling a good hefeweizen or Belgian, just part of it for me. [:)]
Beautiful. [:)]
quote: Everything I needed to know about life I learned from drinking beer.
FYI, Black Husky has an instruction panel on its beers showing that you should pour 3/4 of it into a glass than swirl it, then pour that over. I have tried it both ways and I prefer it with the yeast. I also recently did a bottle conditioned lager maibock that has the yeast and I swirl it and I love it. I really don't get the clear beer thing. To me its like having white bread. Sure its pretty and looks sanitary but where is the flavor?
"The most brilliant physicist I've ever heard speak said, "All life is fermentation." Sex, like fire, electricity, alcohol, and knowledge can be harmful if misused, and absolutely heavenly when used properly. Everything I needed to know about life I learned from drinking beer.The most brilliant physicist I've ever heard speak said, "All life is fermentation." Sex, like fire, electricity, alcohol, and knowledge can be harmful if misused, and absolutely heavenly when used properly. Everything I needed to know about life I learned from drinking beer." Neil deGrasse Tyson? Wouldn't surprise me!
Well, I am a Tyson fan, fret, but he's more of a cosmologist, isn't he? The person to whom I refer is best known for his work in quantum mechanics. I left you a couple other clues. My current BeerPal avatar is his Manhattan Project identification badge photo. Need another clue? Check my forum signature!
quote: Originally posted by fretwalker
Neil deGrasse Tyson? Wouldn't surprise me!