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Beer Funnels

General Beer Discussion by FLASHPRO

Can't say I've ever tried it, but it's funny that a little while ago I received an email from the "CEO" of a "company" that manufactures beer funnels, asking me to put a link to their site. BeerPal does not link to other sites, but I couldn't resist checking out their site. Of course, the site was hosted by geocities and it turned out to be a bunch of college buddies selling modified plumbing pieces. The funniest thing had to be the testimonial page with quotes like "the sure shot got me wicked drunk", "You guys should start making beer funnels out of fruit roll ups so they'd be edible" and "The helmetbuzz got me laid, no joke". I wonder how much they do actually sell?

20 years ago
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In Reply To #1 I found their site. What dumb-ass can't affix an $0.89 funnel to a $1.00 piece of tube to make a beer bong. If anyone really wants one of these things - write me and I'll put it togather for you and take your money.

20 years ago
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While I appreciate their ability to make money, I'm pretty sure these guys aren't drinking La Trappe or Unibroue. My guess? (place macro-swill-pisswater-beer name here.)

20 years ago
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In Reply To #1 His parents must be so proud. It's not everyone who can brag about their son being CEO of a beer funnel mfg. company.

20 years ago
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In Reply To #4 You want a Philly blunt with that funnel Bluez?

20 years ago
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