The Dark Side
General Beer Discussion by OIZNOP
Need some feedback...How do you guys like the inaugural essay??....and would you find this to be a feature that is worth while on the site say 2 per month or so???....Would you be interested in reading more of these???..Again, it's geared toward Dark Brew only... You won't get any write ups on Hoegaarden or Miller Lite from old Oiz!.....let me know what you think!...
Yia Sou!
This message was edited by Oiznop at 6/16/2004 11:04:21 AM.
This message was edited by Oiznop at 6/16/2004 11:04:40 AM.
20 years ago
Woooooooah, Nellie!!!!!!!!......Can I come up for air???..:).... Ok, I will see about some of these suggestions......remember, my beer library is somewhat limited, so the research may be a little light....(unlike the beer).......Thanks for the feedback.....and stay tuned!