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Samuel Adams Hefewiezen

General Beer Discussion by CHANGEUP45

Just had this beer but didn't find it on the list of beers. Am I just missing it?

20 years ago
# 1
# 1


In Reply To #1 Not there, although someone added a Samuel Adams Brewmaster Collection... which could be the hefeweizen, or the scotch ale, or the stock ale, or something else. Good thing his review was extremely vague and didn't actually say anything about the beer, so we'll never know what he meant. Anyway, add away.

20 years ago
# 2
# 2

Hey Corona, we need to get you out of the pro Boston attitude for awhile Instead of alittle Samuel Adams, how about the best Samuel you'll ever have and thats Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale. You gotta find this or your just missing out on a very good Brown Ale, and you know how much I like Newcastle. Someone has got to help you find, order, smuggle, or down right steal this Ale for you... Kissmybass

20 years ago
# 3
# 3

In Reply To #2 Thanks. The Scotch Ale is next for me. I'm not too optimistic with that one, although I've only had 1 Scotch Ale (McEwan's) I thought it was nasty. We'll see.

20 years ago
# 4
# 4

In Reply To #3 What can I say? I love my Sam Adams. Don't let the name fool you, Sam is #1 with me. Being a Boston beer, it's also easy to get up here... I have heard a lot of great things about Samuel Smith beers and would love to experiment with those as well. Just can't find them, just the Oatmeal Stout and I surprisingly liked it (not a Stout fan). Someone wanna smuggle or steal me some as you suggested? Works for me. I'm still looking, I'll find it, just taking me some time.

20 years ago
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