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Politics on a beer site

Non-Beer Discussion by CLASH

Other beer sites allow political discussion and it causes nothing but arguments and bickering. Its an ugly scene. Now that the BP forum is starting to gather serious interest I say this should be addressed as it will eventually come up. I hate censorship and I think people should be able to say pretty much whatever they want as long as its within reason. But I think discussion of politics is a bad idea even for a non-beer topic forum. Just my 2 cents. What does everyone else think?

20 years ago
# 8
# 8



Politics are important. And should be discussed. When we find that there is a difference of opinion then we have to go to war until everyone is in agreement. All who oppose must perish.

20 years ago
# 9
# 9



I'll abstain from any political discussion on this beer site. I will also abstain from the Miller for president of beers election.

20 years ago
# 10
# 10


I'll definitely avoid politics on a beer site. there are plenty of other political site for that kind of talk. But since you brought up the Miller president of beer thing, that does drive me nuts. What a bunch of balogna

20 years ago
# 11
# 11

If I want to talk politics I will go to a news site. I like to come to this site to relax not argue.

20 years ago
# 12
# 12

In Reply To #12 I agree The reason I come to this site is to relax learn a little about beer and enjoy myself. If you want to talk politics there are sites to do just that.

20 years ago
# 13
# 13



In Reply To #1 I love good spirited political debate!...It gets the noodle working, and gets people to thinking....If it doesn't lead to name calling and insulting, I am all for it....but I am not looking to piss people off either...I hang on the Pittsburgh Pirates board...someone there posted a Ronald Reagan Obit....then someone else responded with some snide comments, and then the flood gates opened!...I will admit, I got knee deep in it myself, but some people just got out of control....again if people still remain friendly afterward, I don't have any problems with it...Hell Jim Carvelle is married to Mary Matalin.....How in the hell do they live with each other???...:-) Oiz

20 years ago
# 14
# 14

I have found it best to avoid religion, politics, and what is better: Dungies, blues, or king crabs! Man, the last topic can end up in some heated disputes. Avoid em all unless you want to piss folks off, then go for # 3, does it every time!

20 years ago
# 15
# 15

I don't think there should be censorship. We're all adults here (well, we all SHOULD be) so whatever is said I think we can handle it. There's nothing wrong with a little disagreeing with someone or arguing with them. I do agree with Flash though, if it gets out of hand and riduculous then something should be done. With this crowd, I hardly think that would happen.

20 years ago
# 16
# 16

The political PROCESS is the important thing. The various viewpoints interacting or colliding is what keeps things going. The former Iraq--it was much simpler what Saddam sez, maybe you live. Don't do what Saddam sez, be tortured, imprisoned, or executed. I prefer the more complicated option.

20 years ago
# 17
# 17

What is the interest talking about politics in a beer website? Whereas you must have plenty website to do's a waste and a point of discord.

20 years ago
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