Beerpal Story
Non-Beer Discussion by SASSY
Let's see if we can create a short story here...finish the sentence from the last post, and let's keep it fun. Make sure that if/when you mention someone from the forums, they would be cool with it (in other words, no flaming except amongst friends [;)]). It was a cold, dark night in Beerpal Land. As Oiznop was watching Fox News, he declared...
19 years ago
then, out of nowhere. A flurry of cows stampeeded into the town
... horns a'blazing and udders full of rich milk and cream, suggesting...
that the Apocalypse was at hand!!!!!...[:0][:0][:0][:0][:0][:0][:0][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]....but wait, their udders were not filled with rich milk and cream....they were filled with......
quote: quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq
... horns a'blazing and udders full of rich milk and cream, suggesting...
... the Zombie of BeerPal reemerged as the Bastard Son of Johnny Cash, revealing a newer, brighter, fancier, shinier website! Then BeerPals woke up and it was the same shit we've been looking at for years. Suds said, "Beer." And thus the Zombie BeerPal Life was begun. Bury that mother in concrete and leave no marker. Alas, I am here again...
Takes some balls to call yourself Sassy!
quote: Originally posted by Sassy
Let's see if we can create a short story here...finish the sentence from the last post, and let's keep it fun. Make sure that if/when you mention someone from the forums, they would be cool with it (in other words, no flaming except amongst friends [;)]). It was a cold, dark night in Beerpal Land. As Oiznop was watching Fox News, he declared...