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Non-Beer Discussion by MTNOLE

That storm kicked my a$$. No power 15 days, still no phone, internet or cable at my house. We had no water for 3 days then on boil orders for the next 7. My house was on the verge of blowing apart another 10 mph and it would have blown in the west side of my house, it was not fun. Back online at the office so I can now check-in. I was glad the stoem was moving so fast or it could have been really bad. Good to be back!

19 years ago
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Glad you're okay and welcome back.

19 years ago
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Sounds like you got hit pretty hard, glad to hear all is well now. My parents, sister and her fiancee were on the Yucatan when Wilma hit, at a resort in the Mayan Riviera. They were trapped in Mexico for a couple weeks in a shelter. It was a bit scary not being able to contact them for several days. The hotel they were at was right behind the island Cozumel, and the area got hit pretty hard. Florida was real lucky the storm moved as quick as it did, if it was moving slow through the gulf and gained strength, or stalled on Florida it could have been a real mess. Welcome back, hope the clean up isn't too bad.

19 years ago
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happy to hear you're OK...damn! This is one bad hurricane filled year!!

19 years ago
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Sorry to hear things are so rough. Glad you made it through okay. Mother nature sure did make the gulf her b!%&h this year! Hope the recovery contines to go well.

19 years ago
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# 5


Welcome back and good luck.

19 years ago
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