Nørrebro Bryghus VårTripel 2010
Nørrebro Bryghus VårTripel 2010
Rated 3.400 by BeerPals
Brewed by Nørrebro Bryghus
Style: Abbey Tripel
9.7% Alcohol by Volume
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ID: 39477 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 14 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 8307 |
Overall Percentile | 92.4 |
Style Rank | 146 of 1145 |
Style Percentile | 87.2 |
Lowest Score | 3.4 |
Highest Score | 3.9 |
Average Score | 3.640 |
Weighted Score | 3.400 |
Standard Deviation | 0.207 |
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5 Member Reviews
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8
This one poured a slightly hazy light golden colour with a foamy and bubbly white head. Good lacing. Nice smooth medium bodied mouthfeel. Some bitterness. Aromas of cereals, notes of citrus and floral hops. A bit yeasty. Flavours are of malts, honey, spices, yeast. A bit of alcohol is apparent but not overpowering. Overall, very good stuff, fairly easy drinking, just a bit pricey for quantity, but as they say, quality over quantity!
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8
Finally got around to cracking my 3rd bottle of this: Poured a hazed light gold with a large white cap. Pleasing complex aroma - cereals,spice, some floral, fruits, citrus, some funk from belgian yeast. Light bodied,spritzy semi dry character. Flavor is much like the aroma with big biscuity malts balanced by spice and citrus, mid palate complexity with fruits, spice, earthiness. Finishes almost crisp with increased bittering and citrus dominating. Nice brew even if it is over priced.
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
600ml bottle
9.0% ABV
Bottling Date: November 13, 2011
Best Before Date: November 11, 2014
Queen's Quay LCBO Outlet (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
March 4, 2012
The beer poured a translucent light gold colour with a thin white long lasting head. This is the first clear tripel I have seen. Lots of effervescence. The aroma is grainy malt, yeast, spices, and citrus. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with medium carbonation. Flavour is yeast, grains, light apple, spices, and citrus. A mild bitter finish.Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7
Another nice find from the LCBO, comes in a brown 60cl bottle. Written 9% ABV on the back of the bottle. Pours a golden colour with lots of sediments floating around. Nice white cap with great retention and lacing. Aromas of alcohol and grain with notes of fruits and spices. Beautiful warming feeling with flavours of grass and straw, with notes of citrus. Good decent hop balancing between the bitterness and dryness. Not a bad Tripel, just a tad expensive compared to their other brews we got here.
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7
600 ml bottle, bought at Voldby Købmandsgård. ABV is 9.0%. Pale yellow colour, big white head. Pleasant aroma of Belgian ale yeast with fruity (citrus) and spicy notes. The flavour is spicy and fairly sweet, alcohol is noticeable, peppery and moderately bitter finish.