Cosmic Ales Hell Hound Brown
Cosmic Ales Hell Hound Brown
Rated 3.075 by BeerPals
Brewed by Cosmic Ales
Style: Brown Ale
5.3% Alcohol by Volume
36 International Bittering Units
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A perfect balance of bitter and sweet, this bold brown ale will surprise your pallet and bite you when you’re not looking. Derived from an old time favorite this brew was constructed with passion and dedication to get it just right and that why it’s winning all the awards.
ID: 41023 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 14 years agoKey Stats
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Overall Rank | 73154 |
Overall Percentile | 32.7 |
Style Rank | 1303 of 1868 |
Style Percentile | 30.2 |
Lowest Score | 3.3 |
Highest Score | 3.3 |
Average Score | 3.300 |
Weighted Score | 3.075 |
Standard Deviation | 0.000 |
Rating Distribution
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1 Member Reviews
Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
Hell Hound Brown Sampled on 8/6/2011. This brown ale pours a deep reddish brown color from a 22oz bottle. Small to medium sized beige foamy head with nice retention and good lacing. The aroma is caramel, fruity, brown sugar and molasses. A medium bodied brown ale. The malts are caramel and sweet, The hops are herbal and earthy. Decent carbonation. A brown ale that has some nice flavors going on here, some chocolate and toffee and some hops. Mouthfeel is full and round. Finish is clean and dry. Aftertaste is slightly sweet.