
Collective Arts / Stillwater Blueberry, Chocolate, Coffee & Vanilla Sour

Collective Arts / Stillwater Blueberry, Chocolate, Coffee & Vanilla Sour

Rated 3.260 by BeerPals

Brewed by Collective Arts Brewing Limited

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Style:  Wild Ale

5.5% Alcohol by Volume

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Stillwater Artisanal, check. Blueberry, Chocolate, Coffee and Vanilla, check. You're damn right we're unleashing this flavour bomb with one of the most creative forces in the beer industry. Blueberry is sweet and tart and heightened to new levels with the bright acidity and roasty chocolate notes emphasized by Detour coffee and Cocoa.

ID: 84997 Last updated 5 days ago Added to database 4 years ago

Key Stats









Overall Rank21600
Overall Percentile80.1
Style Rank449 of 2216
Style Percentile79.7
Lowest Score3.4
Highest Score3.9
Average Score3.650
Weighted Score3.260
Standard Deviation0.000

Rating Distribution

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Beer vs Style

2 Member Reviews

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  • CYRENAICA 2418 reviews
    rated 3.4 3 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    473ml can
    5.50% ABV
    Canned On: November 2, 2020
    LCBO Outlet #649 (Milton, Ontario, Canada - Sobey's Plaza)
    February 28, 2021
    The beer pours a translucent dark red with a fizzy purple head which lasts a few seconds. The aroma is tart berries, yeast, light cocoa, and cereal grains. The mouthfeel is thin bodied with average carbonation. The dominant flavour is tart fruit and grains. The chocolate and coffee become more evident as the beer warms up. Not a bad sour.

  • CHOPZ 7682 reviews
    rated 3.9 4 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    Second blueberry weird beer of the night (other being Omnipollo Bianca). Slightly hazy, darker red colour with a fizzy purple-pink head that disappears rather quickly, leaving only a small bubble ring. The blueberry and coffee comes out really nicely in the aromas with hints of chocolate. The sour fruity touch is there. The sourness comes out more in the flavours, but it does cut short in the finish. Light tartiness. The blueberries are present, some mild coffee and the coffee and vanilla are really mixed in there. Another interesting full-tasting sour.

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