Blue Island Beer Limón Pepino
Blue Island Beer Limón Pepino

Brewed by Blue Island Beer Company
Style: Witbier
4.7% Alcohol by Volume
11 International Bittering Units
Availability of this beer is unknown
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Another beer in our "Soda Pop Series", the Limón Pepino Wit definitely delivers on the promise. This beer was inspired by a radler made with our Cucumber Lime soda, and we have created a recipe that incorporates all these flavors in the brewing process. We have used bushels of cucumbers to make this as fresh of an addition possible. Light, delicate notes of cucumber are present in the aroma mixing with subtle coriander and orange peel from the wit beer. The aroma flows into the taste with an easy transition, then the lime nicely finishes the sip with a citrus brightness.
ID: 70885 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 6 years agoKey Stats
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