Profile of largemammal
Profile of largemammal
PalsFrom Cambridge, MA, United States
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Beer Reviews
Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 4
Pours a hazy dark amber color with a slight white head that leaves pretty good lace. Smells of fruit (apricot, raspberry) with a little bit of wheaty malt also. Tastes of lemon, apricot, raspberries. Reminded me a lot of the #9, but a little bit less refreshing as its more malty. slick mouthfeel. Goes down pretty smoothly with a bit of bitterness at the back of the tongue. Drinkable, but there are other ones out there that I would have first.
Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9
Pours a very hazy dark amber color with peach highlights. Very frothy and bubbly two finger cream colored head. Looks like a marshmellow that was just taken of the fire. Ridiculously sweet retention and amazing frothy lace. Citrus and pine hop notes dominate the nose. Nice spicyness in there too. Maltyness is slightly noticeable, but isn't able to compete with the level of hops. Hops. Pine and citrus fruit hop flavors cross the tongue with a bang. Good sweet malty backbone keeps gives this beer an even keel. Smooth and creamy on the palate--extra soft at first. Good level of bitterness coupled with a dry finish. Bitterness lingers for a pretty long time. Oily and a bit sweet when you lick your lips. Level of carbonation is perfect. Highly drinkable double. I was very excited when I saw this on the shelf. I immediately put it in my cart. Pretty damn tasty--can't wait for the winter version in order to compare.
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8
Pours a pretty clear amber color with a frothy off white slight caramel colored head. Good retention on this bad boy. Smells like an alt with characteristic caramel and toasted malt notes. Grassy hop notes also show up. Ever so slight metallic smell also. Not a bad tasting amber. A bit of sweet malt up front that has a caramel flavor. Grassy and floral nop notes are present but hang out in the background. Creamy, soft, and smooth on the palate. Very light and refreshing. Amazingly this beer gets softer on the palate and a bit sweeter as it warms. Very drinkable alt beer. Smooth and refreshing---could be a session beer with that low low low abv.
Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 9
A: Pours a jet black almost inky color with a two finger caramel colored frothy head that leaves puffy cloud like lace. A: Aromas of sweet caramel malt notes with a roasted mix. Noticed some licorice and chocolate malts on the second whiff. Smells very smooth and full bodied. F: Tastes of sweet chocoloate and caramel malts blends with roasted malts. Very silky smooth and quite rich tasting. Not overly rich though, just that perfect taste that keeps you coming back for more. M: Mouthfeel and drinkability are awesome on this offering from Alameda. Full bodied but very well balanced. Low carbonation allows you to fully taste the chocolate and caramel. This is what a stout should taste like. Two thumbs up for Alameda. If I had another, I'd drink it right now. I would love to try this on tap...Gotta get out to the Left Coast soon!
Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6
A: Pours an almost clear golden color with orange hues. Two and a half finger white fizzy head with a lot of activity bubbles wise. Pretty decent lace hugging the glass. S: Aromas of bananas and tropical fruit, maybe guava?, with that belgian style phenol. Slight metallic smell. T: Tastes of bananas and tropical fruit up front with a slight bitter finish. Maltiness is also noticeable. Medicore taste wise, not a huge wheaty belgian kick. M & D: Mouthfeel is just ok on this offering. Carbonation concentrates on the tongue as the beer slicks down the throat. Drinkability is also just alright. Not as heavy as I thought or would have liked, but nonetheless a good change of pace and woth a try.