Profile of mrmanning

Profile of mrmanning






1326 beer caps
Joined 18 years ago
From London, NA, Canada
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I like beer. A member at,, and now here. Loving every minute of it.

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  • Grand River Mill Race Mild
    rated 4.0 15 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    Sampled fresh from a growler purchased at the Brewery on 15/01/08. Deep mahogany body sits under a billowing froth of beige foam. Excellent head retention and minute lacing throughout the drinking experience. The aroma is initially roasted barley and burnt malts. It is also quite toasty and nutty. Just a touch of vanilla extract and mineral. The flavour profile is surprisingly well rounded and full, but that just goes to show you that full flavoured beers don’t have to be high in alcohol. This beer is quite full of sweet burnt malts, toasty barley, quite nutty, with a just enough of a hop presence to create a perfect balance. The finish is dry and lingering. Well done Grand River Brewing!

  • Castle on King Executioners Ale
    rated 4.2 15 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9

    I was excited when I learned that this was now available. This beer pours deep hazy orange liquid, and is capped with a long lasting , slightly off white froth, leaving substantial spider web lace. The aroma temporarily made me speechless.In the nose, it’s bursting with fresh peaches and apricots, mangoes, and some pineapple. This is followed by welcome fresh hops, a touch of pine needle, and a good dose of candy malts. Upon tasting this nectar, I was blown away by the peach/mango/grapefruit flavour profile. It is quite upfront, and unlike anything I have had to date. It is balanced with lots of bittering hops, which leave a nice bite mid way through. Honeysuckle, earthy malts, and a slight bubblegum component in the finish. This beer grows as it warms, and becomes quite complex and flavourful. Easily the best beer I’ve had in a while. My hat is off to you Grand River Brewing, and also Harold at the Castle for taking the initiative to get this thing flowing. Superb.

  • Grand River Curmudgeon IPA
    rated 3.8 15 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 8

    500 ml bottle- Decants a transparent rusty orange, topped with a huge mound of eggshell froth. A bit of lace. Nose is Grand River all the way. Lots of mineral, biscuit malts, fresh pine and hops, some tropical fruit. Malty flavour profile has caramel, some fruity sweetness, balanced by slight metallic pine hops. Bitter and long lasting finish, slightly fruity as well. Nice medium body is slightly creamy. Another winner from Rob and Bob. The best brewery in the province of Ontario in terms of consistency and quality.

  • Nickel Brook 80/-
    rated 3.2 18 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    On tap at Chaucer’s Pub in London, Ontario.Pours deep mahogony, and is topped with a thick foamy beige cap, that sticks and lasts. Aromas are fairly malty, english hops, rye bread, and a touch of tin. Flavours are sweet malt, dark bread, some hops to back up the malt. FInishes slightly bitter, pretty creamy, smooth mouthfeel. The only drawback is a slight metallic flavour in the finish. A step up from their other beers. I like it. Thanks for getting this one in Milos!

  • Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    LCBO advanced tasting- This pours a faintly carbonated copper liquid, with just a petit amount of beige dusting. Nice malt based aroma(toasty, roasted malts, bready) with woody, nutty, burnt sugars. Flavours are a wonderfully balanced interpretation of the aromas. Lots of vanilla/wood, with sweet nutty malts, toasty, with a smidge of the ABV shining through. Very warming, and dangerously drinkable. Finishes with a big malt bang, and a wonderful warmth.

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