Profile of beercronicshero

Profile of beercronicshero






2847 beer caps
Joined 18 years ago
From Edmonton, NA, Canada
Last seen drinking Nothing!

Iron Maiden rules... that is all you need to know!! actually Satan is pretty cool too... Up The Irons!!!

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  • Stone India Pale Ale
    rated 4.2 17 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9

    thanks to mr. dove for this awesome beer!! the brew pours a light copper/light bronze type color. the head was a massive white creamy/foamy head of goodness. it had n incredible life span that finally/slowly dissapaited towards the end of the brew. amazing lacing throughout the life of the beer. the aroma of this beer was highly citrus (grapefruit) hops with some slight subtle floral undertones. but no doubt about it, the grapefruit is strongly apparent! the taste on this brew was.... indeed citrusy, cant really decipher anything else at the moment, would love to have another to review later but i doubt it'll happen. the mouthfeel was creamy/light bodied. coats the tongue incredibly well and is a total lip smacker. the aftertaste was extremely dry that seemed to sucked the moisture outta ur mouth. i drank this beer at room temp, and it was exceptional. i would bet this would be hard to drink in large quantities to due the high amount of hops. but none the less one god damn good beer that if i have ever came across i would most certainly get again. sad i only tasted the one!! :(

  • Edelweiss Weissbier Snowfresh
    rated 3.9 17 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    pours a cloudy pale yellow, i may have been a bit to careful pouring because the head is tiny... it is however very creamy lookin and it does have decent life. there are tons of tiny little bubbles floating around in this guy... havent had a hefe in a while but i dont think there is usually a whole lot of carbonation goin on... but its been a while since i had a hefe and i could be terribly wrong! the aroma is wheat, banana, citrus and coriander... smells extremely similiar to hoegaarden in my eyes. thats always a good thing! :) the mouthfeel is clean and very subtle it fits this beer perfectly. the flavors are perfect here, nice wheat attribute (not over powering like alot of hefe's) there is a hint of vanilla, banana (very subtle) and cloves. i have a hard time finding the herb in there... it might be very present and so obvious that im just missing it. the aftertaste lingers for quite some time and keeps that nice citrusy taste with u for a while. highly enjoyable brew, i had pretty high hopes for this one and it didnt disappoint! :) ps. the more it warms the more i taste banana/vanilla. i will purchase this again!

  • Kootenay Mountain Ale
    rated 3.1 17 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

    pours a clear copper color with a slightly off white head that vanished quickly but left mi-nute lacing and a spotty head. the aroma is yeasty, malty and some toasty notes. the taste is malty slight slight hop appearence. the mouthfeel is a bit thin and there is some slight subtle hops in the aftertaste. overall beer is easy to drink and even easier to pound back. enjoyable! :)

  • Mill Street Coffee Porter
    rated 3.7 17 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

    so many reviews do to... so little time... this one pours a dark dark brown borderline black with a 2 finger tan foamy head that gave way within a minute of pouring. Leaves next to nothing for lacing and next to no head. the aroma is strongly of caramel & roasted malt. the coffee smell is obviously strong, with this being a coffee porter and all! the taste is strongly coffee with a good helping of malt. i love malty beers so this is a winner in my book. the mouthfeel is a little thin and watery, if a bit more thick and full this beer would be AMAZING! and there is a slight coffee aftertaste that sticks in your mouth... like coffee.. dont know if thats a good thing tho... nothing beats coffee breath early in the morning! overall good brew and easy to pound back!

  • Paddock Wood Bête Noire
    rated 3.9 17 years ago

    Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

    yet another winner from Paddock Wood brewery... me and beercronic did a little taste comparison with this to the St.Ambroise Oatmeal Stout, while this one is awesome... its not quite in the class of the st. ambroise, but its still better then 90% of the other stuff out there. the beer pours a black, with slight shades of dark brown creeping in around the edges. the head is a 1 finger foamy brown, that had pretty good retention and left some good spoty lacing on the glass throughout. the aroma on the beer is of strongly coffee, roasted malts, with a smokie wood aroma. the taste is mainly malts with some coffee and caramel showing up as well. there seems to be some slight hops in the aftertaste, very faint but u can notice them once you finish sucking down a mouthful also something appears along the lines of butterscotch. the mouthfeel is a bit of a draw back for me, while it is medium bodied, rather then creamy i get a oily like feel with the beer coating my mouth like i just swished some olive oil... cant say i've expirienced anything like this... the oily mouthfeel is the only draw back for me on this beer, easy drinking and great taste so it does get 2 thumbs up, just the damn oily mouthfeel is a draw back...

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