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Any errors bugging you?

Website Comments by FLASHPRO

I haven't heard anyone complaining about major problems with the website lately, but there are always things that aren't quite right. Anyone know of anything that could use some work?

This topic isn't intended for feature requests. Please discuss bugs only.

2 weeks ago
# 5.1
# 5.1

@Sigmund I ran the URL script and all the beers for that brewery work for me now.

2 weeks ago
# 6
# 6



How do I find the Danish brewery To Øl? I am sure it must be registered  here. It's no use searching tor To Øl, but it does not help searching for To Ol either. I tried searching for 45 Days, as that is a well known series of beers from the brewery - but to no avail. 

1 week ago
# 6.1
# 6.1

@Sigmund Is it this brewery:

It popped up when I started searching "#to" but it also worked when I pasted in the whole correct name after a #. I will try to figure out a better way of searching. I've also noticed that it's really annoying to use sometimes.

1 week ago
# 6.2
# 6.2

@Flashpro Yes, that is the brewery. I will try and update some of mye ratings bye and bye.

1 week ago
# 6.3
# 6.3

@Flashpro My work-around has been going to the Directory if I know the country and city of the brewery I'm looking for. It's better than me misspelling the brewery name 3 times in a row :)

1 week ago
# 7
# 7

Is there supposed to be 53 US states? Is this foreshadowing for this administration? (Not into politics so I apologize for the joke) 

1 week ago
# 7.1
# 7.1

@shigmerotten That's a funny glitch. Must have auto added a beer with a bad US state! Thanks for letting me know. There should be 51 because it counts Washington D.C. as one

1 week ago
# 7.2
# 7.2

@shigmerotten The US states problem is fixed. I found 90 US breweries that didn't have correct abbreviations.

1 week ago
# 7.3
# 7.3

@Flashpro I figured it would be 51, but was confused when I saw 53. Then I thought maybe you all included Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. Glad it was just mixed up abbreviations.

1 week ago
# 8
# 8



It seems that for every transfer from RateBeer, each one is added to BP as a new beer, even if the beer was in the database already. For instance, there are now 6-7 entries for (The) Alchemist Heady Topper alone. Is somebody going through all of this?

1 week ago
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