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Import your RateBeer ratings

General Beer Discussion by FLASHPRO

For those of you who were members of RateBeer, you can now upload your compiled ratings to BeerPal and we'll import them for you.

Submit your .csv file at the link above. RateBeer will let you compile your .csv file using 3 different types of delimiters (pipes, commas or tabs) and either one of those is fine. Just make sure you don't modify your file.

There is a limit to the file size that can be uploaded, and it's possible that some people may have so many ratings that it exceeds that amount. So if you get an error, let me know here or send me a private message.

2 months ago
# 10.1
# 10.1

@Flashpro Don’t worry once I figure out which 1000 file I missed uploading, you’ll have more work.

1 month ago
# 10.2
# 10.2


@Flashpro So I'm only getting 2500 rates out of my files ? Should be around 3600. Any reasoning for that. I'm not sweating it, just curious. Thanks!

1 month ago
# 11
# 11



I logged in tonight to see my Ratebeer ratings uploaded. Thanks for the quick add!!

infortunatrly, the rating dates all seem to be from the day imported rather than the original review date at Rateber. Also, they don't seem to be in the same order as originally sampled.

is there a way to fix that, or are we stuck with what's there?

1 month ago
# 11.1
# 11.1

@robertjm I thought about this for a while before making the decision to set the review dates as the date it was added to BeerPal. It's possible that I could have used the date from RB, but thought it would be weird because a new member like would not have been on BeerPal at that time. Also, many of the beers had to be added, so the review date would be prior to the date the beer existed.

As far as the order goes, there's not much I could do about that. The first rounds of imports had to be in the order of when the script was able to match up the beers. Then at one point I had it go alphabetically. Then I had it go by the order they were reviewed in RB. 

1 month ago
# 11.2
# 11.2

@robertjm If you really want the review dates to be the same as the original RB date, I should be able to write a script to update them for you. Then you'd be able to view your reviews and sort them by date (I think).

1 month ago
# 11.3
# 11.3

@Flashpro Thanks for the quick reply. Personally, I would like to see them in the order I originally reviewed them. Being able to see my earlier vs more recent reviews helps me see if something is worth looking at again as my palate refined over the years.

1 month ago
# 12
# 12


Anybody able to help me out?  I missed the deadline to retrieve my reviews from  I think I am doomed.  But it had some of my best writing.  My username was Vomit over there (same as here).  I can be reached at  I hope somehow, someway this will get to the right person.  Cheers.

2 weeks ago
# 12.1
# 12.1

@vomit Sorry to hear you missed it. Not sure there's any way to get them now.

2 weeks ago
# 12.2
# 12.2

@vomit There have been a few who downloaded everything from Ratebeer (except maybe the forum threads). I'll try and get back to this thread in a week with an update.

2 weeks ago
# 12.3
# 12.3

@vomit If you contact Joe Tucker at he can compile your ratings. I would suggest doing it sooner than later to ensure you get them.

2 weeks ago
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