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Glitch 5?

Website Comments by HANTRAN

Twice I have put % after ABV number and it properly does not submit and asks me tor correct.  Both times it changed the IPA designation to Witbeer, first time I didn't notice that change, this time I did and fixed before resubmitting.

4 years ago
# 1
# 1


I guess I need to make it clear on the form that the % is not needed for the alcohol by volume. I've always just put in the number and assumed that's what everyone else did! Thanks.

The style change is weird. I see that it defaults to witbier when the form submission fails and it reloads the page. I'll have to look into that some more.

4 years ago
# 2
# 2



another thing, maybe not a glitch, just noticed I could not submit a review, believe it was because I was logged in on two devices. Had to log out both and then log back in to review.

4 years ago
# 2.1
# 2.1

@hantran In what way did it prevent you from submitting a review? When you're "drinking" a beer, you can't access the review form from the beer profile button. You have to go through the drinking icon on the top menu.

4 years ago
# 2.2
# 2.2

@Flashpro I had fully completed the review on one device but when I went to hit the submit button it wouldn't accept the submission. I don't really remember what the message actually was.

4 years ago
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