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What Happened To.........

Website Comments by KERRYA

Seeing how many people are online? Seeing your attendance record? (I was almost at 50%) uCaps? I was just getting the hang of these

4 years ago
# 1
# 1


Instead of having a page just for showing everyone online, I was going to have a dot or something on a person's avatar to show that they're online. The old page list thing kind of advertised how little used the site was !

I plan to put the dedication stat back in eventually.

I had second thoughts about uCaps because it seemed to be a waste of time having the same people clicking the same people's uCap buttons all the time. And then it took a long time every week for the computer to calculate the beer caps to award. Eventually I might add a counter on your dashboard to show how many Likes you've gotten.

4 years ago
# 2
# 2



4 years ago
# 3
# 3

I'm all for getting rid of uCaps, and Likes, neither really mean anything.


However, what happened to seeing the overall rank of a beer.  Knowing that the 15th best pale lager was the 25000th best beer on BeerPal was interesting.  I've been hoping that BeerAdvocate would publish it for years, because they also used to calculate it.

4 years ago
# 3.1
# 3.1

@PaulCardom I liked seeing the overall rank too.

4 years ago
# 4
# 4


I can add the overall rank again. I didn't put it on here originally because it made the page load slower, but a few days ago I increased the speed by putting all of the beer ranks into a Redis cache (kind of like a database in RAM) so I can grab it in less than a millisecond!  

4 years ago
# 4.1
# 4.1

@Flashpro Then I say....go for it!

4 years ago
# 4.2
# 4.2

@PaulCardom Done!!

4 years ago
# 4.3
# 4.3

@Flashpro Great! Just saw it and it looks good!

4 years ago
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