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More features in new forum

Website Comments by FLASHPRO

The new forum in the new site should be an improvement over this lame excuse of a forum. I never really finished this version so it lacked a lot of stuff that even the original BeerPal had. The newest forum finally has a Text Editor again, made by CKEditor, which is pretty popular. It doesn't let you do everything, like stupid colors and emojis, but it'll let you format quite a bit and I suppose you could write in html by hand. It also lets you insert images, if you have a link on the web or have it saved in your user page. The form to write in a reply is stuck to the bottom of the screen. This will let you scroll up and down the page to see other replies while you type up your own. You can edit or delete your own replies. You can reply directly to another reply to have it show up as a second level thread, instead of randomly at the end. Although it's not real convenient, you can copy and paste someone's text and format it as a quote so that it appears as an obvious quote that you're replying to.

4 years ago
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# 1


I totally forgot that the current version doesn't even let you edit or delete your own posts! I suck

4 years ago
# 2
# 2


I also plan to add an auto-save function. As soon as you begin entering text, it will create an entry in a temporary database table, assigned to that forum topic. Then every minute or so it will update that entry with the current text, all behind the scenes. Once you press the submit button it will save it as usual and delete the temporary one. If you were to step away for a long time, or accidentally leave the page, then the next time you reload that specific forum Topic you'll see the auto-saved version again!

4 years ago
# 3
# 3

A good website always has a good forum. And yes, emojis are stupid if you're over 10

4 years ago
# 4
# 4

I'll bet emojis are a security risk, as are emoticons. Since one can be tracked even by their keystrokes, it seems probable. :(

4 years ago
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