Potential error with website
Website Comments by RICHSBEER
I have been having issues when trying to upload pic of bottles, cans, places, etc. from my phone directly to the website, it stops at 98% complete then errors out. Using IPhone 6. I have also noticed when I do this by pc it uploads quickly to 98% then stops for a period of time which varies from a few seconds to 40 or more seconds before going on to complete status. Really love the new site, keep up the great work.
5 years ago
Does the photo eventually upload correctly? I know I've had issues where pics taken with my phone have not worked at all. Same with photos on my computer, and the only way I get those to work is to open and save them to a new file. I haven't been able to find the root of the problem.
I am still not getting why all my pics uploads 100%, but only some of them show, other do not show. Says one pic is uploaded, but you cannot see it. That means when I check a brewery, you can see all the beer, but some have a pic and others show blank, and for an OCD person like me... it really sucks :P