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BeerPal 2.0 updates

Website Comments by FLASHPRO

I'm going to use this topic to talk about progress on the new version of the site. Any member can log in with their existing user name and password at: [url][/url] Consider it a sand box for now. All data gets wiped out when I do regular importing of the data, or later on when the site goes live. So feel free to do whatever with it. There are a ton of features that are not ready yet, but a big chunk of it works!

6 years ago
# 71
# 71


Tonight I made the US States and Countries maps a lot nicer. I found out that google had a new version of Geocharts! Later I'll make it so that you can change the shading based on either the number of beers reviewed in that region, the average score of that region, or the highest score you gave in that region. Right now it defaults to average score. Originally I had it change shade based on the number of beers reviewed in the region, but what I found is that most people review a ton of beers in one particular state or country, which makes the other regions look all the same shade.

4 years ago
# 72
# 72


I also updated everything to use a new commenting system. Unlike the old site, members can comment on reviews and other news items. Limit of 200 characters.

4 years ago
# 73
# 73


Something so simple took so long! The new Styles Reviewed page took me forever to make, but it works well. Check out the example link below. A google bar chart shows each style with the color of each style shaded according to the average score that member has rated the style. You can sort by style name, number or beers reviewed per style, and average rating of style. [url][/url] Just added a new way to sort: highest score

4 years ago
# 74
# 74


Polls are back. Taking advantage of Google Charts to show a cleaner pie chart with the results. You can change your vote easily on the same page. The poll list itself needs some tweaks, but it's all there. Example: [url][/url]

4 years ago
# 75
# 75


More charts added to the site. This time on the beer profile pages. Between the photo album and statistics on the right hand side, you'll see a beer score distribution and a stacked bar chart (showing the 5 rating attributes) of the beer compared to the average of the style.

4 years ago
# 76
# 76


No updates last week because I was in Canada for work, but now I'm on top of things again. Squashed a ton of bugs tonight.

4 years ago
# 77
# 77



I come in here on a whim, and I see that Flash has been busy as all get out with updates. Well I'll be damned!

4 years ago
# 78
# 78


Nothing new this week. I've moved to my project's construction site in North Carolina, staying in a hotel, and running around. Unfortunately I'll be doing the same thing next week, plus some travel. Still planning to release the new site by the end of the month though!

4 years ago
# 79
# 79


I haven’t been able to get on the server Remote Desktop connection for weeks now. It seems to have gotten screwed up when the website was constantly timing out back then. I contacted go daddy support 10 days ago. They couldn’t fix it while on the phone with me and were supposed to get back to me that week but never heard back! I’ll have to try again this weekend.

4 years ago
# 80
# 80


I can get back on the server again! It's been crapping out a lot today and suddenly Remove Desktop Connection works again. I don't get it. Go Daddy couldn't figure it out before. Unless it dies again, I should be able to finalize the new site in a few weeks.

4 years ago
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