One, And Only One, Beer Product For A Year !!! :o
General Beer Discussion by KENDOSURF
[:I] You have been found guilty of consulting other beer sites for information. The BeerPal Beerthorities have sentenced you to ONE YEAR OF ISOLATION ON A REMOTE UNINHABITED ISLAND. [B)][8][:(] [8)] All your basic needs will be provided for. However, you have been sentenced for a FIRST DEGREE VIOLATION OF BEER SITE PROTOCOL. In keeping with said terms, you will receive ONE, AND ONLY ONE, BEER PRODUCT OF YOUR CHOICE, for the duration of your isolation. [}:)] ---------------------------------------------- If it was me, I'd beg SCHLITZ to start brewing their Super Premium flagship ERLANGER once agian! [^] [|)] Failing that...all things considered, my choice would be EXTRA GOLD LAGER. Craft, crafty, flavored, and other Macro Lagers would become cloying or otherwise disgusting over the long stretch. Surely I'd be desperate for a more hoppy round beer than EXTRA GOLD before my sentence was completely served. But I think I'd endure better with this decent macro, than any other beer I can think of? [8D] ---------------------------------------------- [?] What about YOU ???
7 years ago
[:)] Agreed. Altho' I'm more of a round lager fan, this is one of the hoppy ones that I liked. FOUNDERS ranks high in my brewery book.
quote: Originally posted by heemer77 Many moons ago. Good stuff.
quote: quote: Originally posted by KendoSurf [?] Have you tried Founders PC Pils?
[;)] Another hoppy beer fan! I followed from your link, and saw that MolsonCoors has a more diverse portfolio than I'd of thunk. IMO it's not a total disgrace for a big conglom to buy a brewery...IF they leave the brewing, TO said brewery. When the conglom chooses to f up the formula in hopes of greater finincial gain...that, sir, REALLY SUCKS !!! [V] -------------------------------------- An aside: Glad you & heemer recently posted here. I've been told that I was "keeping the site alive". Socially, that is...Flash and the Mods do the technical and review aspects without involvement from me! [;)] I'm now trying to be less overly present here. I think maybe, when Members enter, they may become annoyed at all the KendoSurf in the forums! Not my intention to monopolize BeerPal's forums, believe me. If I can encourage more Forum Posts by less personal input...GREAT !!! [^][^][^]
quote: Originally posted by Sigmund [:p]
I can't decipher how to quote BradPear's post. Anyhow, I have bought my first ever liter of Everclear, 23.99 bt. I am being VERY cautious (GOOD IDEA, all!). Drinking an oj + a shot and already got the buzz of 2 or 3 regular beers! Poured a small sip for tasting. Sweet-Grainy-ALCOHOL HEAT! Hardly any aroma, but what's there is ethanol. No surprise. Everclear can send you to the hospital. BE CAREFUL! ;)
Everclear has a new in effect. Just bought a liter today. :) The loss of really cheap bottom shelf sour mash whiskey (around here, anyway) is a mixed blessing. The pronounced gamey undertaste actually enhanced the vanilla flavor of Vanilla/Vanilla ice cream sodas. Ex. Evan Williams introduced a cheaper-but-better bottom shelf product. Yes, it's better whiskey, but it does NOT work well in the vanilla ice cream soda department. :( Start with a shot of Everclear to a pint of Vaniila/Vanilla ice cream soda. I used Edy's and A&W for this outing. Suit to taste, subsequently. It's OK. Everclear adds bitterness and alcohol warmth, but you shouldn't taste the Everclear too much. It's NOT tasty on its own. Use discretion.
I'm, not sure I could ever drink one and only one beer product for a year. Given the constraints of availability, and cost, I would probably pick Young's Double Chocolate Stout.
[:(] Ye Olde Classic Byrne Dairy on Main closed down last December. Had been there for an uncertain, but long, time. They have a bigger store out on the commercial fringes, however.
quote: Originally posted by KendoSurf
[;)] Not necessarily soda pops, but my first choice IS a soda. The ingredients list is ordinary. Could be any old run-of-the-mill pop at any price. But imo this one is Just Right. [^] [8)] Addressing the issue of HFCS. Duly noted. Adirondack Beverages has been around for a long time. [8D] [:(] I lost track of 'em ca. early 2003...hardly ever saw any of their products where I shopped. Eventually I concluded they weren't in business any more. [:)] Now that I'm in Pulaski, Adirondack soda is plentiful once more! An easy walk down the street to the local Byrne Dairy provides a generous assortment of Adirondack flavors. And, they're priced CHEAP! [|)]