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Craft Malt Liquor.

General Beer Discussion by KENDOSURF

[:0][:0][:0] !!! [8)] Yes, I know. For some reason I had to ask online. Yes Beerpals, there ARE Craft Malt Liquors! [:o)] Just to prove I didn't make this up. ^ --------------------------------- [;)] OK. What's the point? [8)] The. Epitome. Of. Macro. Malt. Liquor. Imho, of course. [:D] BA & The Bros differ on this one! -------------------------------- [:)] I'm on the fence afa whether I like 211 or not. But the definition of macro Malt Liquor should be a photo, either bottle or can. [|)]

7 years ago
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7 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by bradpear
Kendo..exactly what what turnip truck did you fall off of? There ain't no qualify "malt liquors" all have added Junk...and Salt come on now...light beer? Just bored? or from Canada or both?

7 years ago
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Got another $3.99 bt&d 16 oz'ers sixer of 211. Cheap, drinkable (as in better than the current versions of Natty Daddy), and 8.1%. Objectivity is my goal. [;)] [8)] I don't regret this evening's investment, but 211 isn't something I'd go out of my way to acquire. As with numerous "so-so" brews, I'll drink it just to be neighborly, and without complaint. I don't expect to see any Craft Malt Liquors around here anytime soon...but perhaps I'd try 'em, if the price isn't prohibitive. [:D] bradpear subtly implied that maybe he wasn't very enthusiastic about adjuncts. Duly noted. If I could get pure brews in the same price range as aal's I'd be all over 'em !!!

7 years ago
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