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2016 Sierra Oktoberfest

General Beer Discussion by BRADPEAR

I am on record as being not a fan of Sierra Nevada products...with the Exception of the Oktoberfest brews. This year SN has teamed with Marhs out of Bamberg and has produced..what they claim and I second "the most authentic version of this style this side of the pond"...down big town is $14.50 for 12, here in the hinder lands we get hosed..$11 a sixer. This is true to the Style Oktoberfest..Golden not brown, clean not cloying, damn good lager. For the states mind you!! Shames Shams octoberfest...don't know how it is brewed back Carolina, but out of Chico this is very good Bier!

8 years ago
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I enjoyed this year's, but liked the collab they did last year even better,

8 years ago
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Last years colob was with Reigler...omg Say i not those buggers!! I drank a gang of it mind ya, like this one. its very good all good up here in the High and dry.. but miss me youth in the dark fores, arrrrr

8 years ago
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Real deal Oktoberfest began today...and its Harvest Moon...raining in Munchen but what a time to be there in good ole Deutschland!

8 years ago
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14/10/16 Harvest ALL IN...the closer came yesterday, and more weather on the way. Not seen rain since June..nary a Tstrom all summer...sittin by the fire Serra Oktofest in the real work begins.

8 years ago
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[:)] I've seen good things about Sierra Oktoberfest, but don't think I ever tried it until now. [8D] i was expecting heavier, darker, more complex. That would have been fine if it was done well...[8)] ...[:p] but this version is easy drinkin', lighter, simpler. Very Good brew! [;)] Found it in Caughdenoy the other day. Wish it was less expensive; would be a great go-to brew. Smooth, clean, balanced hops and malt. TRY SOME! [^]

6 years ago
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It says that most Baltic Porters are lagers. I think that traditionally this is true, but there seems to be a lot of crossover with Imperial Porters which are generally ales. As far as the generic Porter classification it has them as ales. I certainly understand the confusion with the way the click through options are created. Maybe one of the admins can clear this up?

4 years ago
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4 years ago
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I'll have one of each, please.

4 years ago
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Unless there's been a porter revolution the last few years, any porters that are lagers should be entered as baltic porters. All others are ales I believe.

4 years ago
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In jolly old England, Porters (like stouts) are ales. It was only in Scandinavia that 'dem damn Vikings' decided that Porters should be lagered (or is it that it never gets warm enough in Scandinavia to top ferment?)

4 years ago
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