At last nights Indians game.
Non-Beer Discussion by SUDSMCDUFF
8 years ago
FINALLY! Found two of 'em in Camden today...two is better than none, right? [;)] [^] I like this one. [:I] This one is too bitter for my liking. A couple sips, and I put a swing top cap on it...back to the fridge. Those of you who are IPA fans may like it just fine. [:)] [8D] I'm sipping this right now. Not what I expected from an "American Craft Lager" but it's good. A couple other bottles of new-to-me-brews await. If they are noteworthy I'll post again. [|)]
[:)] Yes, and here they are. [8D] I'm forming an opinion of SHMALTZ. The name doesn't really inspire great confidence in their brews...kinda like BLATZ, eh?...but the two I've now tried are GOOD! Shmaltz Messiah is a pleasant, slightly bitter, unsweetened beer. [^] Ommegang Witte is a fine counterpoint to the crafty spiced orange sweet ones...which I can drink, but many beer drinkers are put off by. This brew is basic...unspiced and unsweetened. It is every bit as sessionable as the better BMC's! However, it is a BETTER BEER. [:p]