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Let's finish this US map thing.

General Beer Discussion by BLUESANDBARBQ

I need your help. I need beers from West Virginia and Connecticut to complete my US beer map. Will gladly trade or compensate handsomely. Thanks BPs. [8D]

9 years ago
# 62
# 62

Appears to be a NEW one: A review from a couple days ago: Mine's from a 16 oz sixer, $4.46 bt&d. About par for similar macros in this area. He's got a 24 oz. The can design is the same. Attractive label! Beer looks nice in the mug, too. [8)] I'm less impressed than he is. This brew is spot-on 5% and more flavorful than most in its class. I don't find it that appealing, but I can drink it. ** & 1/2 out of *****.

4 years ago
# 63
# 63

quote: Originally posted by KendoSurf
Walmarts new beer, ROCKDALE. [:)] Like. It's unpretentious. Superb thirst quencher with a dash of undetectable alcohol. No off flavors, yet not flavorless. Inexpensive. Worth trying.

4 years ago
# 64
# 64

quote: Originally posted by KendoSurf
quote: quote: Originally posted by KendoSurf
Walmarts new beer, ROCKDALE. [:)] Like. It's unpretentious. Superb thirst quencher with a dash of undetectable alcohol. No off flavors, yet not flavorless. Inexpensive. Worth trying.
[:0] WOW! This is weird. I was surfing online...not signed in to Beerpal...and this was in the links as a waiting-to-be-posted post! So, I posted it NOW. [8)] Today's date is correct. The time is obviously wrong. Rockdale Light has gone downhill since I first posted this review. Interesting how things go on the internet sometimes, eh? [;)]

4 years ago
# 65
# 65

quote: Originally posted by KendoSurf
quote: quote: Originally posted by KendoSurf
quote: quote: quote: Originally posted by KendoSurf
Walmarts new beer, ROCKDALE. [:)] Like. It's unpretentious. Superb thirst quencher with a dash of undetectable alcohol. No off flavors, yet not flavorless. Inexpensive. Worth trying.
[:0] WOW! This is weird. I was surfing online...not signed in to Beerpal...and this was in the links as a waiting-to-be-posted post! So, I posted it NOW. [8)] Today's date is correct. The time is obviously wrong. Rockdale Light has gone downhill since I first posted this review. Interesting how things go on the internet sometimes, eh? [;)]
[B)] My bad. The time is correct after all.

4 years ago
# 66
# 66

When this was a new thread, Natty Daddy was quite nice for the Special K and Radar said. [:)] Before long, it became foul! Guess they thought they's save a few bucks? [:p] Then they compromised. Today's Daddy isn't as good as it once was, but at least it's marginally drinkable. [8)] Cheap, 8% abv. I put it in tomato juice if I buy it. Keystone Light is a good entry for this category...if you can drink Light Beer. Cheap 4% abv, inoffensive flavor. They made a big push in this area with 15 packs. Now other brews are competing with their own 15 packs, at exactly the same price! [:D] Keystone musta got it right. [;)]

4 years ago
# 67
# 67

Natty Rush Watermelon Smash. I'm on a kick now. I buy one 24 or 25 oz can of brew a day. [:p] Prices in my area range from $0.99 to 2.99 bt&d. There's a range of swills, and a range of quality. Nothing outstanding; I don't think I've ever seen a 24 oz can of craft or crafty. [8)] Prices here are usually lower than (almost) everywhere else. Here's an exception. A number of lower prices are found online for NRWS, the lowest being $0.79! [:0] Special K and Mingo do a good job evaluating the pros and cons. Mingo is more aware of the same "off" taste in there that I noticed. I'd just label it as "artificial. I could drink this again, but I won't exactly go berserk trying to stock up. [:D]

4 years ago
# 68
# 68

[:)] Sudden good news has put me in a celebratory mood! I've temporarily left the one-24oz-beer-a-day regimen because I got a temp job...driving a kid who got kicked off the school bus. Now I'm [8D] stocked up for the days ahead...with 15 pks of Founders PC Pils and 21st Amendment Brewery Variety Pack. A can of PC Pils is a pleasant, clean, slightly bitter beer at 45 IBU. Drank a 21st Variety "Mexican-Style Lager"...El Sully. This,from a brewery I'm not familiar with, has Corn as the main flavor. If you are a fan of Mexican foods you already know how this beer tastes. I like it. [^] [:0] Just now I'm drinking a Hell or High Watermelon. A radical departure from the Jolly Rancher Watermelon style mentioned above! This is a real beer with (I believe) real watermelon. It is NOT IS round. I'd probably want to buy these on their own, if they were available. [^][^] I'll now go look for info & reviews online. Still have some new-to-me 21st Varieties to sample, and I hope it'll be worth the wait. If any Beerpals can contribute anything about 21st Amendment Brewery, San Leandro, CA...please POST HERE !!! [8D][:)][^]

4 years ago
# 69
# 69

Some of these Bud Light Lime series are pretty good. The Mango, for one. But this [8)] Disappointing. Doesn't know if it's a fake pineapple or a powdered lemonade drink, so it tries to be both. Highest possible rating: ** of *****. Awful close to a [xx(].

4 years ago
# 70
# 70

[:)] NOT BAD! Today's 25 oz: { Miller Coors Anheuser Busch ?!? That's scary. [:0] } GREAT Lawnmower "beer"! Ice cold on a Summer's Day working outdoors... would be gulped down in 3 minutes, tops. [:D] Good for what it isn't, as well as what it is. Simple everyday black tea, lightly sweetened. No carbonation. Mild-but-present tea aroma. 5.5% abv is there, but doesn't jump out at you. It is a mass market offering; won't be mistaken for a micro or home brew. But that's OK. 2/4 (two for four dollars) at a nearby Speedy's. I'll drink the Peach flavor tomorrow. [;)] *** 1/2 of *****.

4 years ago
# 71
# 71

[?] I think I've mentioned this before at BeerPal? Well, a former Budweiser Rep who owned a liquor store told me that Bud really does use "Beechwood Aging". Not beechwood barrels...ground beechwood is actually in the mixture. It's removed by the addition of Tannic Acid, which is subsequently also removed. However, there are inevitably traces of the acid left in the brew. This is probably the main cause of the infamous "Budweiser Hangover". Jay addresses this 12:00--->13:00 minutes into the video: [8)] Beer drinkers, be wary if you are sensitive to Yeast or Tannic Acid.

4 years ago
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