Medicinal Alcohol.
Non-Beer Discussion by KENDOSURF
[:(] I've got a flu or chest cold bug. Most annoying symptom is repeated coughing. At least it's not a stomach bug; my appetite and digestive tract are ok. [:) Old Krupnik Polish Honey Liqueur, with lemon juice, in hot Bengal Spice tea, is a great comfort remedy! But the store didn't have it, so I got some Evan Williams Honey Reserve instead. I AM IMPRESSED. This stuff is very smooth and drinkable. It isn't that great in tea, but drank neat it is just fine. Hopefully a helpful word of advice to those suffering from seasonal bugs, allergies, etc.] [:D]
10 years ago
I've had a cough for 6 weeks, but I've only tried beer. Should I put honey in Bookers??? [:D]
Jest fer giggles, went and got a 50 ml sampler of EW Cherry Reserve. But do the math...the sampler cost $.97 before tax, the 750 ml bottle of regular Honey Reserve is 15.99. Guess I should buy EW samplers ONLY from now on, and save a bit o' cash? [:D] The EW Cherry isn't as impressive as its brand mate. It gives more of a stomach-annoying burn than a pleasant gut-warming sensation. It tastes like maraschino cherries with After Shock's artificial cinnamon flavor added. Not my kind of liqueur. If it sounds good to you, have at it! [^]