Brooklyn Dry Irish Stout
Beer Discussion by BLUESANDBARBQ
BeerPal Notice: This topic was created for discussion of the beer Brooklyn Dry Irish Stout.
This is a beer that is apparently much better on tap than in bottles; more so than other beers. I haven't tried a bottle yet - and after reading the "bottle" reviews I probably will not.
Just an observation.
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10 years ago
Might just be different strokes for different folks. On ratebeer, only 8 of nearly 200 have it above a 4.0, and several of the lowest ratings were draft as well. For as cheap as it is in the bottle, I'd give it a shot if you get a chance just to see if there really is a big difference (which is entirely possible) or if you just like it better than most. [;)]
I think I would have added Deschutes when I rated it, since mine was definitely a Deschutes beer (we don't get Great Lakes here), but maybe I was lazy. Idunno. To me, same as the Class of 88 Barleywines that have entries for all 3 brewers.
quote: Originally posted by kinger
Seeing how I appear to be the initial rating, I most likely was the one who added the beer to this site. The ones we had were released by Great Lakes and pretty sure brewed in Cleveland. Perhaps everyone else just used this one as it came up when searched for.