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2013 Boston Marathon

Non-Beer Discussion by FARGINGBASTIGE6

Hope all the BeerPals/their friends are OK. I know two people running that have not yet checked it and based on their start time and pace should have been close to finishing.

11 years ago
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Hope all are ok, Curtis. I had close to a dozen acquaintances from Reno and a cousin running. They all seem to have been clear of the finish area when the shit went down.

11 years ago
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Farge, I hope you get good news soon. Bear in mind, your friends cannot use their cell phones to call out, because outbound cell service will have been disabled as a security precaution. However, they can still receive calls and texts, so try that. Also, the Red Cross has established a bulletin board where people can post that they are OK. Check there, too. And keep the faith. Prayers for the families of the victims, including the 8-year old boy who was killed, and for the many casualties, including several who have lost limbs and suffered greatly. Prayers, too, for the innocent bystanders traumatized by the attack. As for the perpetrator, may God have mercy on that poor bastard's soul, because if he gets what he deserves, the soul will be the only thing left of him.

11 years ago
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My heart goes out to everybody in Boston, and my thoughts are with all those affected.

11 years ago
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Both are OK. One of them said in this case it paid to be a little slow and off pace.

11 years ago
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Wonderful thing that all Brochachos should see!

4 years ago
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