Beer and brewery Images
Website Comments by AIRFORCE1
I have noticed with all the time I seem to find myself having for some reason that some of the pictures on the site are either not current or non-existant. I have seen pictures that are half a decade or more out dated or have some image that doesn't have anything to do with the beer or brewery it is supposed to represent. You can try to upload an updated or corrected image , although it was approved, it will not show up. Is this something that can be easily remedied? Drunken comment of the day ending now. [:p]
11 years ago
The way the website code is written, the picture display is the first one that was added. There's no way for the new pics to show up unless I get on the server and manually remove the original pic. It sucks! I usually only remove a pic if the original one is completely wrong.
I was holding off on approving more pics until everything got moved to the new site. I haven't been able to log into the server lately, which means I can't work on the site code, so the other day I did some pic and brewery approvals! There are still 185 brewery photos left to approve. Most are from 2014!
All brewery photos are processed! They all have the obnoxious watermark on them. I decided not to use that on the new site. Luckily, I keep all of the original submitted files so I was able to copy those without to the new site without the watermark.