Got half the states in the union, now what?
General Beer Discussion by AIRFORCE1
I got every state I can find in my area and now I need to get the brews fromt he southwest and the east cost. The hunt continues.
12 years ago
# 1
# 1
Check out Luekens for Florida (lots of cigar city) and other states and ad well. Good stuff, decent shipping prices and solid customer service at both. I'd only order hoppy beers online though if you know they just came out...
12 years ago
# 5
# 5
1) Think of a local beer that you really like with limited distribution (proably something relatively local) 2) Pick beerpal. This can be completely random, or maybe you have identified someone who seems to have a lot of knowledge about beer, or someone whose personality shines through in their posts and you think they are cool. 3). Send beermail about a trade. That is how every one of us got started on this.
quote: Originally posted by Airforce1
If I could find people i would. [:)]
12 years ago