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And the U.S brewery poll winner is......

Poll Discussion by CLASH

Dogfish Head opened in 1995 producing just 300 barrels of beer that year. They were ranked 700 out of 700, the smallest of all commercial microbreweries in operation. In 2011 they produced 145,000 barrels and were ranked #19 largest. "Off centered ales for off centered people" is the slogan for this brewery that has produced such beers as Chicha, a beer brewed with saliva, yes spit [img][/img] Noble Rot, made with grape must or fungus [img][/img] They were also one of the first US microbreweries to really push the alcohol limits with the 1999 debut of the 18% World Wide Stout The brewery can also be noted for having a rap group [img][/img] And later a forty ounce complete with paper bag, werd [img],c_limit,q_80,d_beer_def.gif/beer_33380.jpg[/img] The most notable national achievement of Dogfish Head is a short lived (very short lived) show called "Brew Masters" on Discovery channel. [img][/img] So everyone loves this wacky brewery right? Not so fast. Dogfish Head is one of, if not the most polarizing brewery in the U.S. Why? Some reasons include : 1) Price (Not many real quick sixers under $10 here) 2) Fear of the hop? (Many sweet and spiced beers produced by them) 3) Oddness (Some people aren't down with it) 4) Gimmicky (Some folks see it that way) So if you are looking for something off the wall then Dogfish Head might be for you, if you are looking for a reasonably priced pale ale for the game, keep going.

12 years ago
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Hooray to one of my favourite brewers in the world!

12 years ago
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There is a huge problem with the pricing. The beer is out of my price range by quite a margin, and it is never worth the expendature when I do commit.

12 years ago
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Personally, I am happy that Dogfish Head won. That said, I think Clash did a great job of describing how DFH is so polarizing: people love them or hate them. In addition to his examples of extreme off-centeredness, I offer another downside point: a retailer friend of mine hates DFH because they are so unpredictable. He never knows when an order will come in. It would appear to my friend that production schedules are suggested targets, vice contracts. But on the whole, I still think DFH is deserving of the recognition we bestow by voting them best. They have done more than anyone else to make different cool. As for the charge that DFH produces no inexpensive beer and nothing to drink in mass quantities, I take exception. Two points: (a) The Indian Brown* is fairly accessible at 7.2% ABV and 50 IBUs. It's available year round in 6-packs. And most importantly, it's freaking delicious! and (b)A reasonably priced and sessionable 6-er of Pale Ale for the game is a good thing. Good, yes, but hardly a criterion for greatness. *A cross between a Scotch Ale, an India Pale Ale, and an American Brown, Indian Brown Ale is well-hopped and malty at the same time (it's magical!).

12 years ago
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quote: quote: quote: quote: quote: quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
Personally, I am happy that Dogfish Head won. As for the charge that DFH produces no inexpensive beer and nothing to drink in mass quantities, I take exception. Two points: ]
First off thanks for the props Foam! Maybe I was a little unfair by saying no inexpensive beer, I changed it to "not many" instead. I'm not stating my own personal beef but the complaints of others I've heard regarding DFH pricing over the years. But I think few will argue that Dogfish Head is a bit higher on the price scale. I personally appreciate what they do in their own unconventional manner.

12 years ago
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Nice presentation, Clash! Anyone tell Sam Calagione about this? I still have fond memories of him performing a cappella raps at Dieu du Ciel! during Mondial de la Biere in Montreal in 2006. [:)]

12 years ago
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