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Titletown Sap Sucker

Beer Discussion by MATTFUNGUS

BeerPal Notice: This topic was created for discussion of the beer Titletown Sap Sucker. I was recently at a private brewfest and brought a growler of sapsucker. There was literally about 60 kinds beers there and about 20 people. Only about four beers of them really got conversation going amongst the whole group. Two were homebrews (one a superhopped up amber from the host, and mine, a maibock with woodruff). One was a bottle of Three Floyds (the Brian Boru). But the one that was talked about most and passed around from one person to their spouse was Titletown's Sapsucker. It was by far the most unique beer of the night. People commented that unlike the others that they had tried it was not only not what they expected but also very good. Other good beers for the night could be pinned in their style, but Sapsucker could not. One guy there was asking for Michelob Amber and opening the one can of Miller Light that the host had put out as a joke. When the Miller guy took a sip of the Sapsucker and immediate took it to his wife and said. "Honey you gotta try this..." it hit me. This is one I hope that Titletown enters into one of those international brew competitions because it is totally unique. One of their bartenders rolled her eyes and said to me when I said I liked it, "It's just maple." But I don't think it's that, in fact, maple isn't what I initially taste, its the yeast and its not a heavy flavor like you'd expect from a maple. If the best brewer at this party and the guy who likes Miller both love this beer, you have something special. I hope it goes into some contest. And I hope beerpal people nearby get to try it before it goes away.

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12 years ago
# 1
# 1

Is it a Yellow-Bellied Sap Sucker? [;)] They like maple.[:p] [img][/img] [img][/img]

12 years ago
# 2
# 2

yes, though woody woodpecker is actually a pileated woodpecker and out west where walter lance is from I have heard them give the woody woodpecker call.

12 years ago
# 3
# 3

quote: Originally posted by mattfungus
...woody woodpecker is actually a pileated woodpecker...
nice. [img][/img] [img][/img]

12 years ago
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