Non-Beer Discussion by SUDSMCDUFF
.. . do you give blood? -if not why... . . i was petrified of it until a few months back, and gave for the first time, it was easy as pie and only took 10 minutes not including the 5-10 minutes of paperwork.. so, go out and donate and help save some lives!!
12 years ago
I only gave blood once. However, back in the day I used to donate plasma twice a week. I was pretty poor at the time so plasma donation pretty much saved my life and I hope it helped others. $50/week was awesome and I made it. Thank God for that.
I have never tried it. No real reason why not. The company I have been working at this year makes products out of blood plasma. I didn't even know you could donate just plasma until I came here. We are constructing the building that uses blood fractionation to separate individual components that can then be given to patients with specific needs. It uses a lot of centrifuges and ethanol. Blood in general makes me queasy.
My BP's on the high side, anyway; I find that draining a pint out of the system once in a while is sooooo relaxing! [8D]