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Now I can finally say I have a favorite beer.

General Beer Discussion by KINGER

Last night as I sipped on a 2011 Bigfoot, I was able to conclude that this is my favorite beer of all time. I've kept a rotating case of it in my cellar starting in 2007, and it's the one constant brew I methodically pick away at throughout the year, every year. I like a couple fresh every release, then all the others get stashed away. 1 to 3 years of age is my preference, and am always amazed at how consistently complex and drinkable they are. Can't wait for that 24 year vertical my Bigfoot case will someday provide. So anyone else have a definitive all around favorite brew?

12 years ago
# 13
# 13

I would say favorite beer for me has to have these requirements: Affordable Locally Available Quality Available on Tap and in Bottle for transportability I can drink all the time and do Toss up for me between: Red Racer IPA from Central City and Tree Brewing Hop Head Double IPA

12 years ago
# 14
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quote: Originally posted by mitchforgie
I would say favorite beer for me has to have these requirements: Affordable Locally Available Quality Available on Tap and in Bottle for transportability I can drink all the time and do Toss up for me between: Red Racer IPA from Central City and Tree Brewing Hop Head Double IPA
To me, that is a slightly different question, but a great way to look at it. For me the answer has to be whatever local brewpub's IPA(or pils) is tasting nice. Bottled - Boulevard Bully! Porter or Singlewide IPA.

12 years ago
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Surly Bender!

12 years ago
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quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
But you'd only be declaring your favorite of all-time-past...not giving up hope of having something better in the future, right?
quote: quote: quote: Originally posted by FoamDome
To declare a favorite would be to cease in the eternal search for the perfect beer. As the Quest for Brewed Nirvana (TM) is my life's work (and stated purpose for getting out of bed at least once a day), having a favorite would pose an existential threat. Ladies and gentlemen, BeerPals all, you may declare your favorites, if you must. I choose to LIVE! To live and to continue the QUEST!
Very true, slow. It's funny, though. Through the years, my favorite has changed frequently as my experience has accumulated and my concept of the ideal brewed beverage has matured. I am not embarrassed to say that I used to prefer Michelob over all other options at one point in my life. Even if I were to declare a favorite today (probably something like de Dolle Extra Export Stout), I would not drink it round after round if some as-yet-untried options were available. I know too many people who declared Michelob the best beer--and stopped looking. Quest on!

12 years ago
# 17
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The quest is what its all about for me, too. However, I still hold Sam Adams Octoberfest in the highest regards and look forward to Labor day when it starts to hit the shelves.

12 years ago
# 18
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NEVER stop looking!!! Curtis, I was thinking Hercules is on your short list too, right?

12 years ago
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Oh yeah... Hercules, Good People Snakehandler, man I've had so many really good IPAs in the past year, it's tough to "pick one"... part of the allure of the O'fest, I'm sure, is a) it's seasonal b) my favorite time of the year aside from c) really good beer IMO.

quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
NEVER stop looking!!! Curtis, I was thinking Hercules is on your short list too, right?

12 years ago
# 20
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I think, at least for me, there may be a distinction between "favorite beer" and "best damn beer I've ever had" - that might even be the start of a new thread...

12 years ago
# 21
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I hadn't made the distinction for myself, but yeah, I can see that. "Favorite" would maybe involve price, availability, how often you go-to-it, etc...whereas I was treating this as a "that's the best damn thing I ever had"... Ideally, they'd be one and the same.

12 years ago
# 22
# 22

I hadn't made the distinction for myself, but yeah, I can see that. "Favorite" would maybe involve price, availability, how often you go-to-it, etc...whereas I was treating this as a "that's the best damn thing I ever had"... Ideally, they'd be one and the same. By that definition of favorite, Ayinger Celebrator is it (though not the best thing that's ever passed these lips)...and it's been my favorite for 12-13 years!

12 years ago
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