top 25
General Beer Discussion by MATTFUNGUS
what do the beer pal top 25 beers say about beerpal users We appear to like strong, dark beer. There are only two beers 6% and under abv and the average abv is 9.69%.There are a lot of imperials and strongs. There no pale ales, no regular ipas, no farmhouse ales, no lagers, pils or bocks. I dont find a bock until 81, a saison until 112? and I gave up looking for a pils after 300. What I do find hard to find is rating in order of each style, and even hard, even on other sites is to rank ipas seperate from imperial ipas. It is amazing that the NG Red is even in the list of top 25 and even more amazing that I havent tried it especially considering I can get it in just about any direction I can toss a rock. Your thoughts?
12 years ago
May want to double check w/ Ayinger Celebrator standing strong @ #11 giving props to bocks. I also see 3 beers at 6% or less, and 4 at 7% or less. I think our Top 25 is fairly diverse. Keep in mind this site receives a lot less ratings than the big boys so many of the Top 100 beers haven't moved or been competed with since I've been around here. And it's no surprise that big, bold brews with lots of depth peak our interest and please the palates.
quote: Originally posted by kinger's no surprise that big, bold brews with lots of depth peak our interest and please the palates.
imperial stouts, big beers and sours dominate the top spots on the sites with more ratings too. i score beers based on how much i like em (period). waaaaay to complicated to grade 1-5 within each style with so many hybrids, crossovers and styles that mean nothing stylistically (ie-strong ale). i LOVE imperial stouts. probably 30 of my top 100, and that's not rare. i can recognize a particular beer (ie-Schneider Weiss) as one of the best in styles, but with my tastes, can't imagine ever rating a wheat beer a 4.8, 4.9... I would LOVE to be proved wrong, though, and I've had a few beers from (in my mind) more mellow/boring/session type styles that re-establish the bar within that style, like the Belgian Red. Shame on you for not drinking that weekly!!! [;)]
Thank you kind sir.
quote: Originally posted by bluesandbarbq fixed[:D]
quote: quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77 the Belgian Red. Shame on you for not drinking thatweeklyDAILY!!! [;)]
Its a double edged sword, though. The only reason the top beers on this sight are generally more attainable has more to do with the fact that there are so few ratings and raters on this site, as opposed to us scoring those beers lower...which is both good and bad. As a beer gets more than a few ratings the standard deviation shrinks, so the beers score is closer to it's actual average. If only one person scores an uber rare beauty a 4.8, it gets a 3.45...a 4.8 and a 4.6 are a 3.75ish, etc... So sad in one way (I check ratebeer if i feel like researching a beer to get a bigger sample size) but great in many other ways.
quote: quote: Originally posted by Clash
What I like about the top 25, with a few exceptions, is that it's mostly more accessible beers. Other sites top lists are full of a bunch of rare stuff no one has heard of.